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why cant some ppl gain weight?

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why cant ppl who eat so much not be able to gain weight? i kno its because of metabolism and genetic but is there a way where you can gain weight if you alot of protein milkshakes?? and eat vegetables and drink water???

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it's tricky because you have to eat more fatty foods but watch your cholestrol and avoid diabetes.

Eating things like pizza, mayonaise, red meats, potatoes, bread, bagels, etc will certainly help you gain.


You know what really works?

Cheese and sugar.

These are empty calories, but they sure can pack on weight. Have a bag of Hershey kisses and plenty of peices of feta cheese throughout the day. These are the least harmful (BUT I AM NOT A CERTIFIED MD!!!!) in terms of creating a health problem and they will def put on weight.

Don't exercise as much.

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