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Currently short distance --> a whole yr apart! :(

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Hello all! Back to vent. Been with my bf 2 years now and love him to bits! but we are both coming of the age where we will take a year out of study.


We were chatting bout this a couple of months ago n he said he would go away to china for a year. i freaked.. i mean a year?! anyhow he changed his mind to 'i'll only go for 3 months'.


So i organised to go away for 3.5 months which seems a horrible time to be without him - the longest we've been apart is 2 weeks - but i know we'd manage it.


We just spent 2 weeks on holiday together and he said that he doesn't wanna go away to china now cos he'd miss me too much.


Then the day we came home he said that he IS gonna go to china for ONE YEAR after all!! Thing is i can't imagine a whole year without him. Does he see it as ok to bu*ger off for a year and saunter back home expecting me to be waiting for him?? I don't mean i'd cheat. there is absolutely no way i'd cheat. But he mite... i mean can men go a whole year without sex when they have had it regularly? how much will he change? how much will i change? what happens if he never comes back? what happens if he falls in love out in china? what if... what if... this just doesn't seem a reasonable thing to do when ur in a relationship. i'm not saying he shouldn't go. he should. but not for a year? maybe go 6 months then we travel together or something?? does anyone else see where i'm coming from???


ARGH!! a whole year. I think he is being selfish putting china b4 our relationship. but then i feel selfish for putting our relationship b4 his life. dunno what to do. i tried to discuss it and he was like... oh well. he would blatantly cheat (he has in a minor way b4... so i don't trust him so much).


I don't know what to do. just venting i guess. but any views would be appreciated.



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