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My friend has been with the same guy for 8 years. They are getting married next year. 4 years ago she went off sex with him. They have both cheated and there seems to be a lack of communication (on his part he doesnt talk about his feelings). She says she really loves him though. A year ago I went out with her friend and her boyfriend while she was at work and I had suspicions that something was going on between the two of them. I didnt tell my friend cause I couldnt be sure. When he was drunk her boyfriend confided in me that he really loves my riend but it causes real problems that they dont have sex enough, he feels she dont fancy him. He also said they have nothing in common. Theyve since got engaged and are planning the wedding. Male friends Ive spoken to about this say he must cheat cause a man doesnt get sex from his girlfriend he gets it elsewhere. Hes in the army too so is away alot. The other night she told me she found text messages to a girl on his phone. He explained it over and over but she still feels insecure and cant trust him 100%. She asked if I think hes cheating. I said no I dont think so but I feel awful and I wonder if I should say about what my friends have said and about my suspicions. I dont wanna cause trouble though especially if my suspicions arent true. What do u reckon?

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Originally posted by chubachoop

She asked if I think hes cheating. I said no I dont think so .... I dont wanna cause trouble though especially if my suspicions arent true. What do u reckon?


Simply tell her the truth: "I am not so sure!"

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Cheating or not, there is no reason for these two to marry. IF, and that is a huge IF they can go to some hardcore pre-marital counseling to hammer out these very significant issues they might have a chance, but under the present circumstances I see no hope for any stable future marriage for these two.

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