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nothing in a relationship

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ive been going out with this guy for about 3 weeks and theres really nothing going on. we dont act like we are going out and we havent even kissed yet. we are not affectionate towards each other, but the reason for that is because we never see each other. Hes sports take his time away and so do mine. i dont know what to do. i really want this to work out. i tried talking to him about seeing each other more often so things might change but nothing has changed. can you tell me on how i can be more affectionate towards him and how i can get him to be more affectionate with me? help please...



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You said you have already expressed this wish to see him more often but to no avail. He could be very wrapped up in his sports activities or he could just be very shy. Beyond talking to him as you already have, there's not much you can do.


These sorts of things should progress naturally. If he's not an affectionate person and if he doesn't make an effort to see you more often, he obviously isn't the kind of guy you want to have a relationship with. So why are you trying to force things?


There's got to be other guys around with whom you share a mutual attraction and who will be emotionally demonstrative towards you and wish to see you more often.


Keep seeing this guy when he makes the time but see others too. Maybe that is what he needs to start paying more attention to you. And don't jump everytime he calls and wants to go out.

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