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Hula Dreams

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I need help. I'm moving to Hawaii or San Francisco for Graduate School next January. The problem is with my boyfriend/(future fiance). He says he'll follow me wherever I go, and that makes me happy, but I have a feeling that he's really not to decided (or thrilled) about that, even though he insists he will. I don't necessarily expect him to go, but then again I don't want to stay here and give up my goals. I feel guilty because he has a really good job that he loves, but the state I live in doesn't offer my graduate program. I feel like we are still young enough that we dont' need to put down roots, but also, his Mom is making him feel VERY guilty by crying/refusing to talk to him because of his choice to move. I really love him and I want us both to be happy and stay together. Should I give up grad school and settle down for the sake of our relationship and his relationship with his mother, or should I follow my dreams (however foolish they may be) and hope for the best? Am I being selfish?

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What madmen and madwomen would not want to go to Hawaii? Have either of those two ever been? If not, wait until they get there. They'll realize the error of their ways.

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