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I'm So Lonley!

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I'm only a teenager, and i'm so lonley! My best friends all have b/f and I don't. In fact no guy has ever really liked me. I'm not a total looser, I'm actually popular, w/ many friends. Just no guys show intrest in me, and all I want is a boyfriend! Please Help!

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I'm only a teenager, and i'm so lonley! My best friends all have b/f and I don't. In fact no guy has ever really liked me. I'm not a total looser, I'm actually popular, w/ many friends. Just no guys show intrest in me, and all I want is a boyfriend! Please Help!

Why do you dwell on not having a boyfriend? I've never understood that. Live your life how you want to live it by acting on your interests; you'll meet a guy if you just relax and be yourself. No guy likes a girl who "just wants a boyfriend" Most guys like confident, individualisitc people who have a good idea of who they are...at least that's what I look for when I meet someone. Good luck in the future.





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  • 4 weeks later...

I am 26 y.o and when I was in high school I never had a date, didn't go to any of my proms, etc. Went to homecoming once and was stiffed by my date, he left me with the bill for dinner, i had to have my dad come get me, it was horrible. Well, over ten years later, I have had numerous boyfriends and have met a wonder guy and am very happy. Basically, I found that a lot of guys were afraid that I would reject them. I know it sounds weird, but a lot of my girlfriends went through the same thing, so don't worry. One Christmas I was home, this was about 4 years ago, and this guy that I had a total crush on came up to me at this bar I was at and poured his guts out saying that he had a crush on me, but was afraid that I didn't like him eventhough we flirted all the time. It made me feel really good, he asked me out, we went out, but he wasn't the same guy that I had a crush on in high school, so we didn't enter a relationship. Don't worry. Everything is OK!!!!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Why do you dwell on not having a boyfriend? I've never understood that. Live your life how you want to live it by acting on your interests; you'll meet a guy if you just relax and be yourself. No guy likes a girl who "just wants a boyfriend" Most guys like confident, individualisitc people who have a good idea of who they are...at least that's what I look for when I meet someone. Good luck in the future. Love, Thiamine Dear lonely, may I share with you that when you feel lonely, it shows. If you tell yourself you are lonely over and over, it will become part of your belief system which in turn you will display low self-esteem in your personality. Having someone to love is truly a blessing in life, but loving yourself first, will be a blessing to someone. Never compare yourself with others, as you mentioned that your friends had boyfriends and you don't. You need to remember that you are unique. Tell yourself often how special you are. Speak daily affirmations to yourself. Feed yourself with positive thoughts, it will become second nature to think of yourself as being a wonderful person, worthy of much happiness. Take care, you will find your prince one day, as long as you remember you are a princess...


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