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Effect of business failure and bankrupcy

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Even though I’m just a teenager old I can assure you all that I have seen a lot more than an average person my age. Until a year ago my life revolved around lavish cars, big fancy mansions, expensive vacations and designer clothing. I was born in an upper middle class family but as I was growing up my father made a lot of wealth. Money was never a concern for me as I was growing up; I never had to think about the future and what I wanted to do in life. I knew I would eventually join my father’s business after finishing my education and I just floated aimlessly in life like most teenagers who have wealthy parents behind them. However it all changed when I was in the second year of university.


My father’s business crashed. He had accumulated a lot of debt in the past few years which my family had no idea about. All our properties were attached with the banks including our home.

The fairy-tale life which I was living all came to an end. We sold our home and all our other properties, the cars were taken away by the banks and the business was shut, we moved into our home in the suburbs with no business and very little money. My life since the past few months was like a nightmare.


While everyone I know was enjoying their summer vacationing all across the globe I stayed home and watched everything come crashing down right in front of my eyes. I could say it was the worst 3 months of my life. My parents fought a lot, wealthy family members turned their backs on us when we asked for financial help from them, few friends and acquaintances who knew my family gossiped and laughed about the situation.

Let me tell you what I have learnt from this. In the need of the hour when you are in the darkest phase most people will turn their backs to you and there are very just a few genuine people who will be there for you. Most of all during this phase in life you need to be there for yourself. You need to become strong and fight back instead of giving up.


It's been a few months now but my family and i are doing better. My father is back on his feet and is fighting hard and has got a few business ventures going for him, my parents are not fighting and things are settling down now. We got a couple of decent cars and our home looks really pretty. It's still early but im better however im still shaken by our loss. I've seen through all of this that people only care when you're rich and successful and dont give a damn when you fail. However im sure my family will rise again and prove everyone who laughed and gossiped wrong. i'm finishing university soon but after that it's my life's goal to make a killing no matter what.


I still dont completely trust my father for bringing us down but after all of this im proud that even after loosing everything he hasnt given up and is fighting back and he will make it again. Even his own family like his brother and father who have a lot of money and who he gave a lot to turned their back on him. Im lucky that he hasnt made me feel any different and still gives me the best in life by going out of his way.

Edited by mrgrey33
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