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Yes or no have you ever been unfaithful

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I've never cheated but I've been cheated on before (by an ex). I always find cheating to be such a dreadful thing, even before I was cheated on. I won't want to cause that kind of pain to someone else, not even on my worst enemy.

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I've never cheated while in a serious relationship. My first gf had an emotional affair with a friend of ours and ended up leaving me for him, it made me feel like my she ripped my heart out and I'd never want to cause that pain to anyone.


There was a painful period in my twenties when I outright refused to be exclusive with any woman (I was coming off years of relationships ending horribly) as much as I was honest with them about it, there was no way around causing them pain while I was being selfish and dating multiple women at once. I wish I hadn't treated the great women who wanted to be with me that way, and have been making it up to myself with my longest and strongest relationship of my life with my wife.

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Got to say what you have sounds special and it's nice to hear their are some good stories out there. guessing a lot of this will be down to me just feeling down in the dumps lately but... got back into gym routine and making sure i look the best i ever have this summer. Not rushing nothing but miss being with someone everyday.


Good men and good women who will always remain faithful are out there. Some of us mean it when we say our vows. It doesn't mean you aren't tempted. It doesn't mean you don't even develop a crush or an attraction on another person. You sure can, but at the end of the day you clear your head and realize everything you have. Your family, your wife that you are still very, very attracted to, your wife that loves you like no one else can. Remember that last one, this is very underrated when it comes to cheating and leaving your partner. Will the next person love you like your spouse did? In the heat of the moment you never think that, and many regret it.



So yeah, a little crush here and there is nothing in the long run because I know I would never act on it and I know that everything I have far outweighs some temporary feelings.



Look for the red flags for the ones who aren't like this.

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Never cheated, never will. To me, staying faithful is the easiest thing in the world to do. After all, I'm human, I have conscious choice, I choose not to. Simple as. Pay me, tempt me, deny any pleasure, inflict any pain, put a gun to my head and threaten me, I'll never fail my woman, nor myself, that way. Doesn't matter what she does or doesn't do. Doesn't matter what she is or isn't. Doesn't matter what anyone else is or does. Black. White. To the grave.


OP, don't let those who cheat put you off from finding someone who doesn't. Sure, at times it feels like the world is full of deceit, disloyalty and betrayal, but that's because we hear about the bad stuff and the attempts to rationalise, normalise and excuse it. There's still honour, honesty, respect and integrity in this world, it's just they usually live a quieter life and so are heard less often.

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