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Something nice to do for b/f

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My assclown SOB B/f has actually been very nice to me in the past month since I am injured and is going to take all the fianancial responsibility in May. Yes I know our relationship is doomed but I wanted to do something nice to let him know I appreicate it. ( No blow jobs :sick: I am not THAT greatful) ,lol



Any suggestions?

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Last night I got a really nice smelling lotion and gave my BF a really long back massage. He really loved it. And then I gave him a blow job, but I know you said no blow jobs.

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maybe buy him a dvd, or cd he wants.


would he even notice if there were meaning behind the gift?

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Just pamper him. I agree with Alicia, give him a nice massage and make him his favorite food, etc.....

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since you said no blow jobs could you just maybe give him a nice hand job? use a nice lube also when u do it and let him cum all over your hand.


now that i think 'bout it, I wouldn't mind one of those rite now. :laugh::p

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Buy him a gift certificate to Home Depot or a computer store if he's into computer stuff.


now that i think 'bout it, I wouldn't mind one of those rite now.


When are you NOT into one of those Alpha? :laugh:

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Originally posted by whichwayisup

When are you NOT into one of those Alpha? :laugh:


Hey tongue girl....are you volunteering?! :p



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Hey tongue girl....are you volunteering?!


:lmao: That really did make me laugh...Tongue girl. :laugh:


Uhmm, he's a Detroit Wings fan...I'm a Leafs fan...No mixing there. Even if I was single and interested we'd not work out because of hockey! Am I right or am I right ALPHA? :p Though I hear from my hubby I do use my tongue quite well... :p

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...you must've been sleeping on your right side too. ;) It's flatter.


Um, stone, how about you dressed really sexy and cooking him dinner??

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I'm fat and pregnant nothing comes in "sexy maternity" plus we have more of a freindship now

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Originally posted by Stone

.......... plus we have more of a freindship now


Are you serious Stone?

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Actually I spent about 20 minutes picking out the perfect card for him and bought him a War movie ( he likes that stuff) I wrote I nice thank you message in it and waited for him to say something.... not a word so I ended up sleeping on the coutch and I haven't spoke to him since.... he broke my heart :( AGAIN. it was a small gesture but I was just trying to be nice a thank you would have been appreicated :(

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Originally posted by ~Naive~

Are you serious Stone?


Are you surprised, considering how difficult he has made her entire pregnancy? :mad:


I love you Stone! I hope you are doing better. My due date is coming up on June 14 and I will be very sad. :(

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