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Time to move on

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OK, so bit of a long saga whereby I basically fell totally in love with a friend of a friend about 4 years ago. We were introduced by my best mate (she's a friend of his wife) and initially got on really well. Saw each other a few times and then went on a couple of dates. I fell in love with her pretty quickly, at which point my confidence completely dropped away. She was/is beautiful and intelligent and I felt that I wasn't good enough for her - basically I bottled it and broke off contact. Over the last few years I've seen her a few times and the feelings I have always had for her are still there. Trouble is, whatever chance I had with her (and in hindsight I think it was a good chance), I now know I blew it. I don't think I'm a bad catch (I'm 32, not bad looking, 6 foot 3 and finally have a half-decent job) and I've met a few women since her but have never felt the same spark.


Anyway, at the start of this year I resolved to finally move on. I saw her at a mutual friend's birthday party in January and subsequently asked her if she'd like to go out for lunch. She said "no but thanks x". Fair enough, I guessed she was seeing someone else so fine and good luck. This weekend I decided to give online dating a try. I set up a shell profile on a site I've heard good things about and had a quick look through the women on there (just out of interest ;)). Who should appear on the 4th page but this same girl!! I feel absolutely (and absurdly) flattened by this, like the cosmos is conspiring against me (think you're over her? think again!) It was literally the first site I tried, and in a city like London where there must be close to millions of single women. I felt like I was in some sort of Casablanca spoof ('of all the bars')...


My question now is pretty much how do I move on from here. I think online dating is probably a good option but should I use this site (which otherwise I've heard works quite well) or should I try another one?

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unfortunately only time will help you move on.


Dating site may help distract you with it for sure.


I've fell for a friend before, found them on a dating site once, I liked his profile and so did he, but we never talked about it in real life, lol.


It's not really a sign, everyone and their mom is on a dating site nowadays, don't think too hard into it bc it will only hurt more.

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