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Ive met this guy almost 6 months ago, we talk every day and I see him once in awhile. He was in a long term relationship, 7years he lived with her and they were engaged. So basically when I met him it was only a few months since they broke up. It will be 1 year in April since they broke up. My question is I know that he doesnt want to rush in a relationship, cause he is enjoying the single scene, are we just friends, or are we in a relationship but can see other people. I dont know whether to consider him my boyfriend or just a guy that Im seeing. If I meet and hook up with another guy, I feel so guilty. How can I do this (JUST KISS) when I like this guy so much. I know he dont feel the same. I mean I know he likes me, but if he hooked up he wouldnt care. We had sex for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and I just assumed that we would become closer, not necessary a committed relationship, but I thought he would want to see me. But right now he enjoys hanging with his friends than me. I hope I am making some kind of sense. cause Im just so confused

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It doesn't sound like you are in a relationship at all and you are certainly free to see other people. You met this guy when he was on the rebound. As a matter of fact, I would doubt if he has completely gotten over his previous relationship yet. Rebound relationships actually retard the healing process.


You are always best going with your feelings. Do you feel like you are in a relationship? Does this guy make you feel special? Does he make you feel like you are his one and only? Does he make you feel secure in the relationship?


Your post would indicate you would answer "NO" to all of these.


My recommendation is to talk to him and ask him exactly how he feels about you and how he defines his relationship with you. Ask him the same questions you asked above. Does he see the two of you as a committed couple? Be prepared to have him give you answers you may not want to hear. Just be sure he is straight and tells you the truth.


On the outside chance he does tell you he sees the two of you as a couple and he really cares about you, that won't make much difference. The fact that you don't feel that way indicates he either has to start showing more of what you need or you need to find somebody who will.


My money says you should move on, see other people, and meet a special guy who will make you feel like his one and only, make you feel special, make you feel loved...a guy who will want to be with you more than want to hang with his buddies.


But first, see what this guy has to say and see what you can't work out. Just don't get your hopes up that he will change in any major way.

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