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when to call it quits....

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When you have to try to make them happy? Be careful with that one. Technically, a lot of things people do with their bf's/gf's is geared towards trying to make them happy. You should call it off when you aren't happy, and nothing you or your SO tries seems to be working.

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I say when they take more than they give for a long period of time. Sure every relationship has times when one person is pulling the wieght. Thats the cool thing about them. But if that ballance is gone, and you are exausting yourself with trying to make them happy for months and months and months with no end in sight, I would suggest you sit down and talk about it. If that dosnt work, then i would say end it .


You gotta watch out for your well being too. And any persons well being depends in the end on them.

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