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roommate's girl

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I have a room-mate and we've lived together for 2 1/2 years. We're bestfriends. a couple of months ago, he brings home this unbelievably hot girl. She became my friend, I loved talking and just hanging out with her. A few days ago I walked in on my room-mate and her making out on the couch which made me feel sick to my stomach. My room-mate is the nicest guy in the world and he's always telling me how he could marry her. I think I love her too, I've never been in love before. I'm not sure If I should tell them my feelings and risk ruining friendships or just start avoiding her and ignoring my feelings. Any advice?

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Leave this alone.


This is your Best Friend AND your roomie.. this is HIS GF.


Regardless if you're attracted to her.. she is with someone else, your Friend.

I don't recommend professing your love for her or letting either one of them in on this...


Stop trying to hang out with her on a one on one.. and find another girl who is single.

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I would recommend against it as well. Actually if you like uncomfortable and awkward situation and possibility of loosing booth, then by all means. I don't think you would like it as much if you said something and A) she didnt feel the same b) your best friend wants you to stay away from her. People can be jealous and if you did that I am sure your friend wouldn't want you be alone with her for a second incase you tried something.

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