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Anyone ever had "love at first sight"? What did it feel like?

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I had it twice but you have to understand it's lust not love.



Growing up my mom always assured me that when I met my soulmate I'd just KNOW. I met this guy. When we shook hands -- our 1st physical contact -- it was like lightening shot through my body. I immediately thought, wow I just met my husband! That delusion kept me in a dysfunctional relationship for over a decade. What a disaster.



When I 1st saw my husband, I looked across a room & though . . oooh yummy. He was so gorgeous & I wanted him. It was pure lust. At the time I was in the market for a player. Yes, players have bad reps but damn they give good date. All I wanted was a fling with a hot guy. Ironically my husband could not have been a player if I given him an instructional video.



My point remains, you actually know nothing at 1st sight other than what the other person looks like.



Any following up on a previous thread of yours, the worst thing you can do is send them a heartfelt romantic letter.


I agree 100% with this.


I'd really avoid the "love at first sight" idea.

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