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i am upset now....... MF-er!

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well, after the stupid bf went out, with out telling me. i am just so upset now. i cannot help but think he is lying to me, about everything! where he is, has been , with who? .......


:( i hate it too. :mad:

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Originally posted by NTB

all of this cause he went out once with out telling you


Yeah, he went out, w/o telling her, with a girl who he had a past "indiscretion" with.


Wouldn't YOU be paranoid?

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no, cause he went out with the girl, that he cheated on me with (among other folks), with out tellling me.


i do not know if it is me, but i swear, things just feel different between us, it's like he is "quieter" .


and it is more than just this incident that caused that feeling. I have felt it for about a week now...... then bam, he is out with her again.


But "they are just friends"

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I would be PISSED. How would he react if you just went out w/ one of you male friends w/out telling him?!! Screw him, you desearve better.

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okay i didn't know all of that it wasn't stated in the beginning

wow that sucks......and he cheated with this girl

yeah i would be upset too

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Why are you still with him? Hes proven he can't be trusted. Maybe you've been giving him the benefit of the doubt or hoping he will change? I'm sorry you're going through this, what a jerk!





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cause at the same time.... i am not a saint *shock* either, and cause i *barf* LOVE him :love::love:


not that i cheated on him, well not until he cheated on me......


see i am just as aweful as him.

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Just because you did something because he did something, doesn't mean you have to punish yourself by staying together. I know you love him, but he isn't trust worthy, so why keep staying in a situation like that? I know, I know, sometimes things are easier said than done. ;)





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Anyone that would go out with someone they cheated with and claim they are just friends is thinking you are a push over or (sorry) stupid, your pick.It is obvious he has ZERO respect for you, the question is why do you put up with it.Being in love is not a reason to accept this situation, this will only get worse.

You should be more concerned with your own behaviour on this one.You need to get some help and get stronger and not let people walk all over you.

To make a change like this will not be easy.Ultimately you will be able to choose a better mate and not have to worry about this crap.And yes,this advice is coming from someone who has put up with crap for years,NO MORE.


Good luck!

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we are fine. we deal with our issues by sweeping them under the carpet.


they will come out later. what ever....i am fine. :cool:

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