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Why do women do this?

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This has been a long time question that I have been having.


Why do women take things out of context of what you say and make it sound so bad?


For example, I say, "I like your hair". She says, "Well, so you're saying that my pants are ugly?"


After you have got done having sex or something similar and then she says that she MAY date other guys. I say, "I don't want to do anything sexual if you are maybe going to date other guys", she says, "So do you think I am a slut when I do these things with you and may go out and date other guys?".


The second one is recent, but she has done these things alot and I know that alot of other women do this to. Why?



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I think it's a female thing but I'm not sure.


Get a good answer to your question, here or anywhere, write a book...and I'll buy the first 1,000 copies. Deal???

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hi ace,


only really insecure girls behave like that. personally, i don't have any friends that have behaved this way towards a guy, although i have met some like that. if i were a guy, this would really piss me off (pardon the french).


now, i'm obviously talking from a girl's point of view here.


i remember i was in the car with my ex once and when i turned to him he said, "you have gorgeous eyes". not for one second did i think he was telling me my eyes were nice because another part of my body or clothing or wasn't. for pete's sake, i would rather a guy say to me, "i hate your pants, but that doesn't matter because i really like YOU". if you were to constantly compliment her about her appearance, she would think you only liked her because of how she looks and either way, you just can't win!!


god, that is so insecure!!! people like that wear you out over time because they are constantly looking for reassurance from other people when they should be looking to reassure themselves. and you also get worn out trying to defend A COMPLIMENT!!!


some girls just have to realise that no matter what, there will always be someone better looking than them, more stylish than them, smarter than them, less attractive than them, not as smart as them, not as funny as them....and only then will they be content and stop fishing for compliments and creating tension from them.


everyone has their insecurities. i wouldn't believe a person wasn't human if they didn't even have one tiny one. but this kind of behaviour is just so irritating!!!!!


you will really tire of this oneday. trust me - NOT ALL GIRLS ARE LIKE THIS!!

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