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How to read a shy guy?

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I need MAJOR help - I know, you must all always read this, but I do, I do, I do!!!


Well, here goes....


I work in a computer lab facility at a college, and I just began noticing this student. I've been noticing him all semester and only began *wanting* to get him to notice me and approach him last week. I see him once a week on Fridays, and I have attempted to talk with him BOTH Fridays (today and last).


I am quiet and reserved myself, and he seems like it too because he doesn't really talk with his classmates and just concentrates on his lectures and assignments. From that, I gather he is quiet.


I discreetly found out his name and a little about his personality through his computer teacher, and she's described him as being "so quiet and shy and does really great graphics work." I just can't help but to keep looking at him through the door's window and just wander inside the computer classroom and straighten up and "fix" computers next to him.


Finally, last Friday I decided to try and converse with him. I guess I asked close-ended sentences because he chuckled a bit and just answered basically "yes" and "no" answers. Argh!


Earlier today, I tried smiling, greeting him as he arrived to class, and chit-chatting right before he left class, but again - he was responding little and chuckling. I get the impression all that chuckling was done out of nervousness. From that, he DOES seem quiet and shy....


I understand dates are to be quiet mutual (the attraction thing), but what if I'd like to attempt to go up to him and ask if he'd like to have lunch or have juice/coffee next Friday? I hope he isn't taken, but it's difficult to find out in the computer labs until I *actually* talk with him during that supposed outing. And I do not want to wait until he comes to me because, 1) that is a probability it would NEVER happen if I just sit and wait, 2) next Friday is THE end of the semester and am not sure if he'll take summer classes *bites nails out of nervousness*, 3) What if he's not interested in me, 4) he's already taken, or 4) he's TOO darn shy, in general! I asked what classes he's taking in the summer, and he said, "Oh, I haven't decided yet." Does that mean he really hasn't or just said that because he's shy, or???


So, what do I do? Shall I ask him out next Friday? It's my absolute LAST day... that is, if he's NOT taking summer classes. But I don't know...



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You're putting way too much on this guy. Forget the idea of dating him and just talk. If he doesn't want to talk or is too shy to talk, then forget about it. If you talk and you're still interested and he seems like he is, too, then you can try the "let's meet for coffee" trick.


Pretty much all you know about him is how he looks, and that's not enough to really think there is any potential at all. You act like he's the only guy you're going to have any chance with for the next six months. Doesn't anyone else ever come to the lab?

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Originally posted by swedeace


So, what do I do? Shall I ask him out next Friday? It's my absolute LAST day... that is, if he's NOT taking summer classes. But I don't know...




Just do it! Go for it! You'll never regret having taken a chance, but you will having missed a chance!


Good luck :)

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Okay, I was suggested something that might sound a little too juvenile but just MIGHT do the trick - writing an "I like you and would you like to have coffee/juice" note and handing it to him through a co-worker? I thought it might sound too high school-ish, but would that help break both of our shy barriers? :eek:

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I'd run. I expect an adult woman to approach me like an adult. You're so freaked out by this guy, what are you going to do if he accepted? Kick him in the shins and run away?

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