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Savageable marriage?

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I was the other guy. She was married to a porn and video game addict for 2.5 years. They separated and we had an amazing time for over a month. She went back to him and tried once for a duration of 1 week. She said it's no longer there, the marriage is dead. During her separation, she became desperate because she has so much things to do to improve her life. School, work, etc...Well she partied too much and got a DUI yesterday, now she's back with her husband the same day. I know she will never tell her husband about me and that's fine, I don't have to live with that, she does. Is this out of desperation? I miss her and I will let go of her, but I know she's making a huge mistake by going back to a place that made her unhappy. She doesn't have to be with me, I get that, but I just don't see how her marriage can work after this.

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Do you really want to be involved in the affairs of a lady that is married to a porn and video game addict that just received a DUI?


That might be an important question to ask yourself.



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WTH. What about the fact that she is MARRIED do you not understand?


What is this the Darwin Award for relationships?


Move on.

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You don't know how her husband really is, they always make their partners look bad to justify the affair. And no, women leave way earlier because usually they get emotionally attached - if she hasn't left after maximum 4 months after the affair started, she never will.

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