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Friendship or more?


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At my job, a co-worker and I developed a bond. In the past few months we see many similarities with education, family, religion and had a few personal conversations about past relationships and things going on in our lives. We are both Catholic and during Easter, he texted me privately before midnight wishing me a good Easter..very sweet.We don't hang out after work (as I'm involved) and rarely do at work, however he trusts me with personal information when we talk. In this time though he would compliment using adjectives such as gorgeous, cute..has kissed my hand once, always smiling when we see each other give hugs and leans in to me when we talk. I never thought twice about it as I'm 8 yrs older. Plus, he is not this way towards any other woman at work. Is he merely being platonic or does it appear to be more?

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It appears he does like you more from what you have said. If he wants to pursue you as in a romantic relationship he will ask you out. Don't overthink it just see what happens.

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Thank you, I highly doubt he would ask me out as I'm involved, I was not sure if something I thought was platonic may not be.

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In this time though he would compliment using adjectives such as gorgeous, cute..has kissed my hand once, always smiling when we see each other give hugs and leans in to me when we talk. I never thought twice about it as I'm 8 yrs older. Plus, he is not this way towards any other woman at work. Is he merely being platonic or does it appear to be more?

Guys don't do this to be "platonic."

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Thank you, I highly doubt he would ask me out as I'm involved, I was not sure if something I thought was platonic may not be.


You highly doubt, but you are not certain. He's slowly ramping up his romantic overtures toward you. From using words of endearment to now touching, And you are greenlighting his actions by allowing it and reciprocating to a degree.

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