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Assistant Manger's SMELLY FEET!!

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Well I'll get right down to it. My assistant manager at work smells. Badly.


Me and one of my other co-workers have narrowed it down to it being her feet that smell the worse. She wears open-toed platform thongs and they reek really bad. Even when their on her feet cuz they're in the open.


What's even worse than that is that she leaves them in our backroom (I work in a retail store) when she's not working and they just smell so bad when you walk by them. We eat back there sometimes and believe me it's hard to choke back your sandwich when you're smelling stinky feet.


Me and my other co-worker are the only ones that seem to notice, my manager hasn't said anything. The thing is also, she's not allowed to wear open-toed shoes or as our dress code says "beach shoes." She says she would never wear those to the beach.


I don't want to embarrass her or confront her about it? Should I tell my manager? The only thing is that I'm afraid she'll tell my assistant manager that it was me that said it and then she would hate me for it (she's that kind of girl- real immature).

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Shoot the shoes with a good shot of Febreeze when she's not around and won't be wearing them for a while.

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Type a postcard and send it to her anonymously. Let her know just how offensive the odor is. However, it's not going to do much good. The brain has a mechanism that shuts down stimulus after it's presented for a long period of time. She probably doesn't even smell the odor...just like people who live near train tracks don't hear the trains, people who live near bakeries don't smell the baking bread after a time, and people who live near the airport are able to put the jet noise out of their mind.


You are entitled to your olfactory privacy. If all else fails, obtain a face mask that will filter the odor and eat out of range of the foot odor. Or, better yet, carry a can of room deodarent with you at lunch.

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I worked at a place one time where we had a male co worker who smelled very badly. He came in unbathed for days at a time, his clothes were frequently out of the dirty hamper and he wore sandals displaying his dirty and unkempt feet. Finally a few of us went to the operations manager and told him about it. We explained that we would hate to hurt his feelings but that it had gotten terrible.


The operations manager handled the situation and it got much much better. That's why he made the big bucks!

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Leave an anonymous not on her shoes next time that says "Throw me out" or "We stink" and make sure no one sees you! :p:laugh:

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*Thank you Ladies and Gent's.. Tony will be here all week!*




Well my guess is this... your Assistant Manager wears Flip Flops for a reason... while yes it is against policy where you work for those type of shoes to be worn, my guess is she wears them because they allow her feet to breathe (uh so to speak..)


This is more than likely a bacterial problem for her.. not that she isn't a clean person or doesn't shower.. and I'm also willing to bet she does know it's a problem and has more than likely tried to find a remedy..

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I think if you have a problem with your co-worker, you should voice your concerns to a supervisor. Supervisors usually respect confidentiality, and would not tell the one who smells who made the complaint. If you are not the only one who feels this way, it might help to approach your supervisor as a group, or to send a confidential, group-drafted letter to set up a meeting of some sort.


Basic hygiene is essential in any job. If someone you work with smells, I think you have a justifiable reason to complain.


I have to deal with an older guy who works at my liquor store, who likes to let loose farts whenever he pleases. I haven't smelled anything yet, but I have a feeling the guy just can't control himself at times. There is also one customer who frequents our store, whose mouth is a rotting cavern of funk, whose feet cause the store to stench ten minutes after he steps out the door, and whose body odor is just rank. If your co-worker smells anything at all like this customer I speak of, definitely do not put up with it.

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Here is my solution - slip them into the garbage when she is not looking. She'll be forced to replace them. Don't let her catch you!

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It's gonna be funny as heck if she finds them in the garbage. That'll get the point across too!

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Here is my solution - slip them into the garbage when she is not looking. She'll be forced to replace them. Don't let her catch you!




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Originally posted by moimeme

Shoot the shoes with a good shot of Febreeze when she's not around and won't be wearing them for a while.


Originally posted by tiki

I like the febreeze idea. Douse them suckers down!!!



FreBreeze is NO match for Foot Funk....trust me!


My sister has shoes that are sooo rank, they could run away! :sick: Actually, she left her stank shoes on the porch, cause my mother made her.....well the next moring one was missing!!!! :confused: we joked that it fled into the night, but i think a dog probably ran off with it! :laugh:


i would say mean things eluding to her feet funk when she was around, and hopefully she would take the hint...if not tell her straight up that her feet stank!

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Well, someone could pour a box of Baking Soda in them. Or leave a container of shoe deodorizers.

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All of the above would work. I would put a note by the shoes but make sure it's not in your handwriting if she can recognize it :laugh:


I had a class with this guy who would talk to you thisclose and his breath actually smelled like poop. I mean, literally. When he would turn to talk to me I would try to hold my breath for as long as I could. When he wasn't looking, I dropped one of those little bottles of listerine in his backpack. His breath still stunk after that but it wasn't as bad because I noticed that after that he was always chewing that Arctic Chill gum.

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It could just be the shoes! I had a pair of shoes that made my feet STINK! If I put them on for five minutes my feet smell :sick:


Sit her shoes outside.


Better yet, DO throw them out...or check the size, buy her a pair of flip flops, and then put her shoes in a plastic bag, tie it good, and throw them away.


That way, she'll have shoes to wear with openness, and she won't wear the stinky ones any more.


There's this guy where I work that comes in all the time needing a check...he smokes so much he looks like a fried prune. He smells like B.O. and cigs, and stands over me while I write his check.


As soon as he leaves, I grab the air freshener from under my desk, and spray. :sick:

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And when you throw out her shoes, leave a note that says, "Do not leave smelly shoes in the break room *or wherever it is*. Thank you-management."


Or...forget throwing out her shoes...just leave the phony note :p

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:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: you guys are hilarious, i cant stop laughing at each post, and I'm in school, and people are looking at me, like I'm crazy.


anyways, i think that you should throw one out, and make sure if she asks anyone if they saw where it is, or if they have seen it, that you keep a straight face, and enjoy it :laugh: that's what i would do. while she is looking and looking, and ..... ..... she will give up, she'll buy a new pair.


and by the way what kind of management do u have, when the policy says no open toed shoes or whatever, shouldn't they say something in the first place.

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I personally would take her shoes off her hands, the smell sounds great, it can be a problem with some women foot odour, but it is also seen as very healthy, and me being a foot fetishist would dearly like those chances to smell her shoes

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Hi guys/girls, I am a new member just looking in to this discussion. I have a foot fetish so I am sure I will be biast with my answer, I like the smelly shoes and would certainly help take them away from the office, please do not slate me here by me saying this, but this is apparantly a sign of a healthy person if their feet smell a bit. I am not answering the question, I have a foot fetish website and so I am involved more in this type of subject, as regards to the problem in hand, she might suffer from HYPERHIDROSIS, this is when parts of the body excessively sweat, could she not change her footwear more often, regulating shoes is one way of not solving the problem but will help. I have in my side of work come across similar ladies who despise their problem and the treatment for it is surgery to reduce the sweat glands. With my website I have members who will pay good money for those stinky shoes, myself included. Send her my way I could certainly talk to her about this Rich (U.K.)

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