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cheated on/disrespected

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How do you get the cheater,who says in their own way,ticket to a show,trying to stay withmy family,kids involed.But the major poblem is the denial of the affair that went on for a year,which cause me to leave home.now i anit perfect but i'm willing to work things out but i need clouser and an apology from her with out me asking her to do so.if i can get some advice on this it would be of a great help....

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If you knew she was married, you don't need any closure. You freely involved yourself with a married woman and the consequences you now face are your closure.


If you didn't know she was married, you shouldn't need any closure anyway because the whole relationship was a total lie.


There a no benefits to be gained by an adulterous relationship and the very finest closure you can ever get is to have them over and done with so you can live conscience free.


People who have affairs do so because certain needs are not being met in their marriage. But the greatest number of times they don't last very long and they very very rarely end with the party or parties getting a divorce and marrying the person they had the affair with.


I am very puzzled as to what you mean by "i'm willing to work things out." There's nothing to work out here.


You need to go celebrate that this is over and go find yourself an nice single lady.

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The first line of your post, it makes no sense to me:


"How do you get the cheater,who says in their own way,ticket to a show,trying to stay withmy family,kids involed."


Despite what I don't understand above, are you saying you're married and your wife cheated?



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