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How do you get past the very polite small talk?

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I know a guy and I am kinda interested. I noticed that all our conversations are extremely extremely polite but it's always just small talk. i want to make a connection. And i feel like he does act more polite and nice to me than I've seen him act generally. But it's like, so vanilla. Kinda boring if you ask me. First of all, why would a guy act so polite and gentleman-like towards me? I am not really complaining! I certainly prefer this than him being an inconsiderate jerk! He is very sweet. But I want to see if this has any chance of leading to anything!

I know for me personally I'm sort of nervous to rise to the next level. Maybe get a little flirty. At the very least I want us to relax a little. Maybe i come off too cold? How can i get these conversations more warm?

Should i ask him more PERSONAL questions? right now we just talk about what we did over the weekend, etc. nothing deep. But like I said, he definitely acts a certain way towards me. I'm wondering if it's him reacting to my demeanor, or what. he seems really nice, so i'd like to be friends (or more...) but right now it's just courteous small talk.

We are both single!

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