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No Affection or Communication

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Me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 years (on and off) . However it feels and seems like so much longer because in high school we use to be best friends. I felt like in the beginning we could sit and talk about anything and always go places and enjoy each others company.

However now im here feeling like he no longer loves me in the way he use to . I thought maybe it was me analyzing the situation to much but then i kinda thought if im not happy why don't i speak out about what im feeling.


About a a month and a half ago he got a new job where he now full time at night 10pm-6am Friday,Saturday,Sunday,Monday and Tuesday .At the same time we are both full time students . This leaves very little room for us to spend time with one another. I know he loves me but I never get to talk to him and when we are together hes always sleeping . However I feel whenever hes around his friends he has so much energy and can hold conversations , then once where alone hes tired and doesn't want to talk. Im totally trying to be understanding and patient but i feel so neglected . When he comes home i get in bed and he doesn't even touch me its like im not even here . Every time I try to express myself and tell him what i would like he makes it seem like im asking for too much then says he'll try to do better .But then it like when is next time because he always says next time we'll talk or next time well cuddle and im still stuck here with the same feelings.


I just need some advice how can i improve this relationship and make the affection and communication get better?

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You need to sit his ass down and tell him how serious this is to you .

And do not let him change the conversation.


If it does not change there is no doubt you will start to find affection and cuddle time with another man . Give your boyfriend the opportunity to remedy the situation before that happens.


It sounds like genie so immature and his guy friend posse is more important to him than you but I am sure if you stepped out on him he would be shocked and outraged. He is self centered as well as immature .


Now if your break ups have been because you have cheated in the past , what I just said does not apply

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