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I need to zap my life back on track

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Hello to eyes that are listening,


My problem is direction. I seem to be stuck in a major rut or my freind sand family have there lifes sorted out and are either getting married and have greta jobs and loving partners.


My dilmema i still bring up in my mind the scenario of a girl who didnt wnat anything to do with me( 7months ago). My defferal from uni (9 months ago) my job that i hold is not one that i enetirley enjoy or see a future with.

I seem to be spiralling everywhere i look. whilst my fellow humans are succeeding. :(


Why cant i move forward? why do i hold on to this unrequieted bull****, why cant i take the bull by the horns. I reda in another post about soemone contemplating suicide. I cant deny that i have felt that way but see suicide as an easy way out.


Any sugestions comments appreaciated. :)

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Well, you could do some kind of life audit. You know, list your skills, your assets. Then think about a couple of priorities for things you would like to do/change over the next 12 months. And what you would need to do to achieve them.


The priorities should be only moderately challenging - better to overachieve than be unrealistic.


Don't be afraid to ask advice, either. If your goals are work related, ask more experienced colleagues (trusted ones) what they think, how to go about them and what is holding you back. If your goal is to make yourself over for dating purposes, ask female friends for their advice.


You will be surprised at how much you can achieve in 12 months. If you put your mind to it. Go AndrewJ!

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Cheers reluctant romeo,


A lil Post inebriated anxiety as well i susspect.


True what u say a lot can happen i year.


Got to remain positive, but life gets so viscous sometimes.


Goals is probably teh answer :)

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To get out of a rut you need a positive outlook on yourself and your life. Self help books might help you with direction and focus and friends can also give you a helping hand. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes you just need to talk to someone about things. I know that some friends get tired of hearing the same thing over and over so find a good listener and talk until the hurt and anger is lessened.


Goals is a good thing to focus your life. They keep you from procrastinating and will get you there if you let them.

To get over a girl that hurt you you need time and good self-esteem. You are a good, kind person and she just doesn't know what she let go of. There will be days when you get depressed but stay positive and you will see the end. I know these are just words but if you keep yourself focused they will help you through the rough times when you are low.


Staying happy with yourself is a must to succeed. List the good qualities within yourself and refer back to them when you are low. The right girl will come along if you are open to her as will the other things in your life. Everyone loves a happy, cheerful person and wants to be around them. Be that person and you will not fail...

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