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A good friend of mine just died...

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I've never experienced a friend dying before now and I'm having a hard time believing it. It's even in the local newspapers - he was hit by a train and died at only 32 years old... How could this happen? He was actually a friend of a friend from uni but I actually got on better with him than my uni mate. We started hanging out about a couple of years ago for drinks and just chatting - we spoke about work, relationships everything. I think I was more open with him than anyone else I've known.


We spoke over the phone a couple of weeks ago and it was obvious he was turning into a good friend. He was also a really interesting guy not only to talk to but because of all the stories he had about the scrapes he used to get in - and there were a few... Anyway he was probably one of the most authentic, kind hearted guys I've ever met.


The thing is, on that night he apparently took psychedelics (LSD or something) and got into an argument with the dealers and got chased by them - for some reason he ended up on train tracks, got hit by a train and died either instantly or quite soon after.


I actually did magic mushrooms with him last time we met about 3 weeks ago and it was actually really cool experience. I wouldn't recommend doing it outside though unless you're with friends or someone you trust - it definitely disorientates you and makes you much more vulnerable to anything other people might do.


We were supposed to hang out sometime this weekend... instead now I don't have any plans - feels really sad and lonely.

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Sorry for your loss. He sounded like a good person overall. Are you still able to attend the services, if one is planned? I went to the funeral of an acquaintance who was like a friend. That helped. The one regret I have is not getting up to speak. I figured other people must have known him better. But only a couple got up to share and were brief. I should have shared how much spirit and love for life he had, and told a story or two. Anyway. His death did cause me to make some positive changes in my own life -- thanks to the "Big D." RIP

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The loss of a friend at a young age really rips you apart. As you get older you lose more for one reason or another. You don't ever forget them and they live on through you.


Think about it though. Ultimately drugs caused his demise. Perhaps you should respect him by quitting that crap and living a full life?

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My condolences. The 1st time a close friend died, I felt like I was walking around in a fog. . moving through the world felt like I was walking through pudding. I don't know how else to describe it.



Go to the funeral. Get some closure for yourself. Do things to remember the happy times.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. Unless there's an eyewitness, it's possible those guys pushed him. I've done everything in the book and I've never been inclined to stand on train tracks or jump out of windows or any of that stuff you see in 1940s drug propaganda films. But something happened. Just like a cat or dog may be spooked by something and run into the road without looking, it's possible something like that happened here as well if he was being chased. So tragic. Send him your love through prayer.

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To your friend: RIP and you were taken way too young.


To you OP, big deep breath and life can be cut short.


Don't dwell but think of him. If you dwell you will become the kind of guy he would never have wanted to be around.


Be wary of drugs and alcohol - they can make you do dumb things when you think you are doing the right thing right there and then.


Make sure you pay your respects and attend the funeral if you can. Or find out when it is and give some time to be there for your buddy in your thoughts.


I'm so sorry for your loss. So young and dramatic makes it shocking.


Be you and carry him with you. Sounds like you were great friends and had a lot of laughs together! :) x

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