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Red Pill vs.Blue Pill Dating

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Feminists don't go around saying they are feminist. It's in their actions.


I'm afraid I have to disagree with you here, my friend. IME, feminists have no trouble letting you know they're feminist with their words. Sometimes, it's pretty much all they talk about.

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Feminism in and of itself is not a bad thing just like religion but like most of modern religion modern feminism has completely perverted what the original meaning was. It is just another form of group think extremism in a group think extremist society. In many ways it is a religion in and of itself. Go on Jezebel or many feminist boards and it is like they incapable of independent thought. They all think the same and if anybody deviates they get voted down. The MRA boards are just as bad and in fact hurt legitimate men's causes like family court reform among other things. I went on some MRA board and I felt like showering afterward with some of the things I read. They are two sides to the same coin and are incapable of seeing the other gender as anything but the enemy.


As for me I just continue to be who I am, I treat everybody the way I would want to be treated and I give up my self respect and dignity for nobody and if somebody tries to screw me over or bully they will probably wish they had thought twice when it is all over. I apply to every aspect of life and not just relationships.

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I'm afraid I have to disagree with you here, my friend. IME, feminists have no trouble letting you know they're feminist with their words. Sometimes, it's pretty much all they talk about.


I've never met one in person, just on this site.


I don't know why you're so hung up on them, I really don't think anyone takes them seriously.

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"To depend upon a profession is a less odious form of slavery than to depend upon a father." -- Virginia Woolf


What, exactly, is the point that we're missing?


That Virginia Woolf was a man crazy bipolar mess. Shed make Taylor Swift look like a saint.


But despite that she's one of the most famous modernist writers of the 20th century.

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Feminism in and of itself is not a bad thing just like religion but like most of modern religion modern feminism has completely perverted what the original meaning was. It is just another form of group think extremism in a group think extremist society. In many ways it is a religion in and of itself. Go on Jezebel or many feminist boards and it is like they incapable of independent thought. They all think the same and if anybody deviates they get voted down. The MRA boards are just as bad and in fact hurt legitimate men's causes like family court reform among other things. I went on some MRA board and I felt like showering afterward with some of the things I read. They are two sides to the same coin and are incapable of seeing the other gender as anything but the enemy.


As for me I just continue to be who I am, I treat everybody the way I would want to be treated and I give up my self respect and dignity for nobody and if somebody tries to screw me over or bully they will probably wish they had thought twice when it is all over. I apply to every aspect of life and not just relationships.


My entire point, summed up by woggle. Thanks!

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Found this post from reddit. A purple pill view of relationships.


"humans are not wired for monogamy, that is entirely cultural.


No need for you to do anything wrong (in neither the beta nor the alpha sense of the word) in order for your partner to look for another sexual outlet.


There is a good amount of excitement in simply trying out someone new, even if your current partner is perfectly satisfactory, and even clearly better overall.


There is no set of behaviors or amount of game that will ensure your partner will not look for extra fun in the medium/long term. Doing the game right can only improve the odds of them staying faithful somewhat.


Obviously, the culture (in the West, at least) no longer encourages fidelity. If the conditions are right, and your partner isn't psychologically wired to be faithful, they'll cheat.


We like to have at least a chance of being in control, so this truth is difficult to accept."




Cheating is a choice, the desire to cheat is not.


But we also desire to kill and steal but you don't see me robbing banks.


Point is, we are still animalistic, but we are free to choose what we believe or how we treat the opposite sex, but remember that every action has a reaction.

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I've never met one in person, just on this site.


I don't know why you're so hung up on them, I really don't think anyone takes them seriously.


I did. A self proclaimed feminist in her 30s. She believed that men are users and only want one thing and teaches her daughter not to trust those pigs...


Is currently in a relationship with a cheating, abusive man...while having sex with five other guys. In her mind, being promiscuous is empowering.

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I've never met one in person, just on this site.


I don't know why you're so hung up on them, I really don't think anyone takes them seriously.


On the contrary, they have significant political clout. How do you think the divorce laws got to be what they are?


I really like the religious comparison. Religious zealots attempt to pass legislation that forces their religious ideals and doctrine upon the masses all the time. Feminism is no different, except they've actually had greater success at it.


The only time I care is when it directly impacts my life, and it has directly impacted my life in a very significant way, both in terms of financial losses and time spent with my daughter.


I'm an atheist, and I have many Christian friends. They personally do me no wrong. But the political clout of the religious right certainly impacts my life in very significant ways.


One must make the distinction between the actions of the individual and the actions of the masses. I have nothing against individual feminists whatsoever. But the actions of the aggregate are definitely worthy of scrutiny and criticism.

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Red Pill thinking's basis in evolutionary psychology is off because it is based on a popular notion of that psychology. It basically takes the behavior of Gorilla's and Baboons and says that humans are like them.


Really we are more like Chimps and Bonnobo's. Chimps indeed to have males who as groups guard groups of females and violent confrontation. The Bonnobo on the other hand has females dominant and they settle everything through sex. Both Chimps and bonnobo's have rampant bisexual behavior. Among them no matter who is alpha, beta, or gamma your getting laid all that differs is the frequency.


I think fundamentally humans are like Chimps and Bonnobo's with more intelligence and long term planning.


What makes us different from them is our brains. We value creativity and intelligence because that is what we had instead of teeth and claws.


That really is not just an opinion...if I were wrong then why would we evolve to be ever more intelligent?




The "Red Pill" approach comes down to people who want to think that they can control dating and its random capriciousness by things like working out, being a jerk, having money, laying out lines. That works sometimes but not really.



The blue pill guys don't exist. They are just something people who think them selves "red pill" call anyone who does not agree with them.



If you want a woman of wit and invention show yourself to be witty and inventive. If you want a woman who is fit and trim go to the gym. If you want a woman who is educated go to college and stay even if it means becoming a teacher until you find one. If you want an artist be an artist. etc.

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On the contrary, they have significant political clout. How do you think the divorce laws got to be what they are?


I really like the religious comparison. Religious zealots attempt to pass legislation that forces their religious ideals and doctrine upon the masses all the time. Feminism is no different, except they've actually had greater success at it.


The only time I care is when it directly impacts my life, and it has directly impacted my life in a very significant way, both in terms of financial losses and time spent with my daughter.


I'm an atheist, and I have many Christian friends. They personally do me no wrong. But the political clout of the religious right certainly impacts my life in very significant ways.


One must make the distinction between the actions of the individual and the actions of the masses. I have nothing against individual feminists whatsoever. But the actions of the aggregate are definitely worthy of scrutiny and criticism.


Those laws were put in way back before my time. I think because some men were up and leaving their wives and 3 kids for another women without having to pay child support or alimony and at that time, there weren't a whole lot of office jobs and stuff like that. Women mostly worked as nurses or in their community as cooks, house keepers, on a farm or something of that sort.


Now it's a bunch privileged class white girls (many which are attractive) whining about a .22 wage difference and the patriarchy, rape culture, all that stupid sh*t.


I've never met anyone like that.

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Red Pill thinking's basis in evolutionary psychology is off because it is based on a popular notion of that psychology. It basically takes the behavior of Gorilla's and Baboons and says that humans are like them.


Really we are more like Chimps and Bonnobo's. Chimps indeed to have males who as groups guard groups of females and violent confrontation. The Bonnobo on the other hand has females dominant and they settle everything through sex. Both Chimps and bonnobo's have rampant bisexual behavior. Among them no matter who is alpha, beta, or gamma your getting laid all that differs is the frequency.


I think fundamentally humans are like Chimps and Bonnobo's with more intelligence and long term planning.


What makes us different from them is our brains. We value creativity and intelligence because that is what we had instead of teeth and claws.


That really is not just an opinion...if I were wrong then why would we evolve to be ever more intelligent?




The "Red Pill" approach comes down to people who want to think that they can control dating and its random capriciousness by things like working out, being a jerk, having money, laying out lines. That works sometimes but not really.



The blue pill guys don't exist. They are just something people who think them selves "red pill" call anyone who does not agree with them.



If you want a woman of wit and invention show yourself to be witty and inventive. If you want a woman who is fit and trim go to the gym. If you want a woman who is educated go to college and stay even if it means becoming a teacher until you find one. If you want an artist be an artist. etc.


I've had direct life experience that is in contradiction to your statement.


I also used to be a blue pill guy, and I was miserable. I found a lot more happiness in being red pill, because it helped me forge my own path and make my own way. I think that being blue pill is the antithesis to that; you're constantly looking for direction from others, typically women.


We have evolved to be more intelligent, yes. But not necessarily any better. As a species, we don't resolve conflict by humping. We resolve it by killing our opponents. Every war we've ever had is a prime example.


I see gorilla behavior as an aggregate species far more greater.

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I've had direct life experience that is in contradiction to your statement.


I also used to be a blue pill guy, and I was miserable. I found a lot more happiness in being red pill, because it helped me forge my own path and make my own way. I think that being blue pill is the antithesis to that; you're constantly looking for direction from others, typically women.


We have evolved to be more intelligent, yes. But not necessarily any better. As a species, we don't resolve conflict by humping. We resolve it by killing our opponents. Every war we've ever had is a prime example.


I see gorilla behavior as an aggregate species far more greater.


Yeah, there is a documented account, somewhere in the 70s of chimpanzees going to actual war.

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Now it's a bunch privileged class white girls (many which are attractive) whining about a .22 wage difference and the patriarchy, rape culture, all that stupid sh*t.


I've never met anyone like that.


Not sure how old you are or where you live, but those girls are most likely millenials; college-age, maybe a little bit older. I'm in my mid-thirties, so I don't hang out with girls in their twenties very much; I have absolutely nothing in common with them. There is one girl who's 22 that I sometimes chill with, but she's really laid back, which is why I enjoy her company. She's definitely a hormone-ridden young woman, that's for sure, who's hot and knows it. But once you get past that and simply treat her like a person instead of a "hot chick", she's actually pretty cool. You just have to get past the fact that she likes to flaunt her hotness in your face sometimes. ;)


I think if you were to go to just about any college campus in this country you'd meet quite a few of them.

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But you know what bugs me?


What red pill notices about women. Aside from the inferiority complex, which is bs, they note that women.


1. Cheat far more often than what is documented.

2. In their 20s are generally more flaky

3. Have a strong attraction to physical and social dominant traits.


They note that women are taught young to be polite and dainty, but learn that to get by they have to lie about what they want and pursue their desires discreetly in an increasingly judgmental environment.


As a result, women tell men what they want to be attracted to. Not what actually happens. Red pillers teach you to recognize these signals and know what bit means without making it known.


Essentially dealng with women is like covert ops. Learn to read between the lines.

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I did. A self proclaimed feminist in her 30s. She believed that men are users and only want one thing and teaches her daughter not to trust those pigs...


Is currently in a relationship with a cheating, abusive man...while having sex with five other guys. In her mind, being promiscuous is empowering.


Wow....hear her roar....and watch me puke.

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Not sure how old you are or where you live, but those girls are most likely millenials; college-age, maybe a little bit older. I'm in my mid-thirties, so I don't hang out with girls in their twenties very much; I have absolutely nothing in common with them. There is one girl who's 22 that I sometimes chill with, but she's really laid back, which is why I enjoy her company. She's definitely a hormone-ridden young woman, that's for sure, who's hot and knows it. But once you get past that and simply treat her like a person instead of a "hot chick", she's actually pretty cool. You just have to get past the fact that she likes to flaunt her hotness in your face sometimes. ;)


I think if you were to go to just about any college campus in this country you'd meet quite a few of them.


Had a friend like this in college. Also 22 and stunning. We were such opposites and I never hit on her. She thought I was gay cause I never approached her. Man did we used to argue. She had boys fawning over her constantly. She asked me one day why I didn't drool all over her. I said " Ummm because we are friends?". She was aware of her beauty and flaunted it


Must've made her happy. Since then she asked me to hang out with her all the time but I was a jerk to her so our friendship ended.

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I've had direct life experience that is in contradiction to your statement.


I also used to be a blue pill guy, and I was miserable. I found a lot more happiness in being red pill, because it helped me forge my own path and make my own way. I think that being blue pill is the antithesis to that; you're constantly looking for direction from others, typically women.


We have evolved to be more intelligent, yes. But not necessarily any better. As a species, we don't resolve conflict by humping. We resolve it by killing our opponents. Every war we've ever had is a prime example.


I see gorilla behavior as an aggregate species far more greater.


The above said to one who lives in a gang and crime ridden area where there are get in gun fights over women. I have seen how things work out, those people do not prosper.


Humping is just what those bonbon's do (A bonobo is a variety of chimp). Humans instead of humping work together to build society, lay out laws, rituals and cultures. We resort to killing and violence as a last resort.


In real grown adult life we don't fight for what we believe we sue in court.

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I dotn understand why a philosophy should be used or needed to define people into box like categories...to me it takes away individualism the very essence of the human experience of love and life.... and the right to be who you are without judgment, expectations or prejudice...deb

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I did. A self proclaimed feminist in her 30s. She believed that men are users and only want one thing and teaches her daughter not to trust those pigs...


Is currently in a relationship with a cheating, abusive man...while having sex with five other guys. In her mind, being promiscuous is empowering.


She also doesn't seem to understand what feminism is about. I love how the rest of us are penalized thanks to the actions of the extremists.

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Rejected Rosebud
Generalization followed by an attempted shot at our intelligence. But the Virginia Woolf comment made your case worse.


You do know she was an erratic women who killed herself, right? Not exactly a ringing endorsement.

Of course I know. She was a brilliant mentally ill genius and one of the best writers I've ever read with an amazing vision and voice, she was also a feminist, of course you hate her! :bunny::bunny: but I wasn't trying to make a "case" or shoot anybody's intelligence I was responding to somebody's post. I assume you also believe that Reddit is superior to philosophy so what's your opinion of Jacques Derrida btw??:confused::confused:
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Rejected Rosebud
I can cite so many examples of women on this site who want successful men who aren't into them who they constantly put down saying that he's stupid for not being into you.


Feminists don't go around saying they are feminist. It's in their actions.

I guess I'm not quite following very well, I want a successful man, my fiance is successful (probably in a different way than you'd define it buy whatever) and he is into me. I'm a feminist too just like my great grandmother who was a suffragette, she is my idol!! I'm proud of it!! Please do cite some of those examples where women here say a guy is stupid for not being into them though I don't think I've seen any of them!! :bunny:
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Rejected Rosebud
But you know what bugs me?


What red pill notices about women. Aside from the inferiority complex, which is bs, they note that women.


1. Cheat far more often than what is documented.

2. In their 20s are generally more flaky

3. Have a strong attraction to physical and social dominant traits.


They note that women are taught young to be polite and dainty, but learn that to get by they have to lie about what they want and pursue their desires discreetly in an increasingly judgmental environment.


As a result, women tell men what they want to be attracted to. Not what actually happens. Red pillers teach you to recognize these signals and know what bit means without making it known.


Essentially dealng with women is like covert ops. Learn to read between the lines.

Wow who are the "Red Pill" experts, how do they have the actual undocumented cheating statistics and what is the scale to measure flakiness?? I'm sorry but I am sitting here laughing with my guy this is just out there!! Anyway, I am not trying to bug you I can tell you have found your holy grail for life and if it works for you go for it!! I have to say though I bet you can probably think for yourself and forget about a lot of his hooey!!
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serial muse

This thread makes me want to take the white pill: aspirin.


I think that you should do whatever you want as regards philosophical pill-taking, OP. These things tend to be self-fulfilling prophecies anyway.

Edited by serial muse
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This thread makes me want to take the white pill: aspirin.


I think that you should do whatever you want as regards philosophical pill-taking, OP. These things tend to be self-fulfilling prophecies anyway.


Yep, cause if you expect a woman to be evil incarnate, you'll probably find one who is.


Which means you won't be dating me. And more im0ortantly, I won't be dating YOU. I try to date men who actually like and respect my gender.

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