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Red Pill vs.Blue Pill Dating

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Generalization followed by an attempted shot at our intelligence. But the Virginia Woolf comment made your case worse.


You do know she was an erratic women who killed herself, right? Not exactly a ringing endorsement.


Had a friend like this in college. Also 22 and stunning. We were such opposites and I never hit on her. She thought I was gay cause I never approached her. Man did we used to argue. She had boys fawning over her constantly. She asked me one day why I didn't drool all over her. I said " Ummm because we are friends?". She was aware of her beauty and flaunted it


Must've made her happy. Since then she asked me to hang out with her all the time but I was a jerk to her so our friendship ended.


Girls like that almost have more respect for you if you don't let the fact they're hot stop you from treating them how you would treat anybody else. Sure, they like the attention, but if you don't feed the attention beast, then they're forced to relate to you on a human level rather than a sexual level.


You said it before. Just don't put them on a pedestal.

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Rejected Rosebud
I've never met one in person, just on this site.


I don't know why you're so hung up on them, I really don't think anyone takes them seriously.

:mad::mad: I KNOW you take me seriously Jay!!
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:mad::mad: I KNOW you take me seriously Jay!!


I can't speak for Jay, but it's really hard for me to take someone seriously when their emoticon and exclamation point to sentence ratio is far too high. I get that you're passionate, which I honestly think is a very good thing, but I can't help but hear a Valley Girl's voice in my head whenever I read your posts.


Oh well. I probably come across like a crotchety old man. :) Just you wait until I get my walker, then I'll be stylin!

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Rejected Rosebud

Why do they use the metaphors of PILLS anyway, that in itself would be a turnoff for me no matter what the pills were supposed to do for me??? because it reminds me of "here drink this Kool-aid folks!" :confused::confused:


I do love my punctuation and emoticons a whole lot too!!! :p:bunny:

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Why do they use the metaphors of PILLS anyway, that in itself would be a turnoff for me no matter what the pills were supposed to do for me??? because it reminds me of "here drink this Kool-aid folks!" :confused::confused:


I do love my punctuation and emoticons a whole lot too!!! :p:bunny:


I think it's a Matrix reference. And don't diss the Kool-Aid! It's fruitily refreshing. :)


Haha! Fair enough! Although I've never understood what the bunny is supposed to represent. If I'm being completely honest, I've always imagined a reference to "humping like".


I swear that sometimes I have the maturity level of a 14 year old...

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I think it's a Matrix reference. And don't diss the Kool-Aid! It's fruitily refreshing. :)


Haha! Fair enough! Although I've never understood what the bunny is supposed to represent. If I'm being completely honest, I've always imagined a reference to "humping like".


I swear that sometimes I have the maturity level of a 14 year old...


In the matrix, neo was offered two pills....


The red pill would wake him up from the societal hum drum and and expose what reality actually is(spoilers, robots)


The blue pill would Mame things go back to the way they always were.


Red Pill activism, in contrast, is a waking up to what society teaches you to do in concern to females and tells you what actually works.


Guys find out that romantic comedies are one big lie.

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Blue Pill = a foolish man who believes women are creature of value and humanity and are capable of love and worthy of receiving it


Red Bill = really smart, enlightened men who see the female gender as the manipulative whores we are and understand that their only recourse is to play as many of us as possible as roughly as possible to "even the score."


Have I got it about right? I just want to be clear on which kind of man to respect and admire and which kind I should pity and avoid like the plague.

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