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Possible child abuse, husband won temporary custody.

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Last October I walked into the living room where my husband was holding our three year old daughter on the couch, I went to pick her up and her pants and underwear wear halfway down her bottom. She tried to pull them up when I picked her up. I took her into my son's room and asked her what happened and she told me her father hurt her "private area". I confronted him about this and he started yelling at me. I went to call someone and he fought my phone from me and went outside. I went after him to get my phone and he grabbed my face digging his nails into me while screaming at me. I took my children to the emergency room after and the police and social worker took my statement. They did not document marks on my face. The doctor found no evidence of sexual abuse.

I attempted to get a restraining order and was told I could not.

My husband's father is well known in our town and friends with a member on the police department. I believe the man who handled my case. He makes a lot of money at his job and he pays for our house, car, and bills.

My children told me that their father took nude photos of them. I contacted the police department and he told me they could not search his computers. He threw a computer in the trash a few months before. There were three other computers that disappeared.

Months previously I left a tape recorder on in my home while I was at school and on the tape I could hear my son yelling "Daddy stop it!" there was also an obvious slapping noise. After this incident I took my son to the ER with the tape recorder. However, the police officer became frustrated while trying to find the recording and made me feel like I was just insane so I gave up. They examined my son and found no evidence of abuse.

After the incident with my daughter, I went to live with my grandmother with my children until they could both be professionally examined and interviewed for abuse. At the appointment "one month later" they found no physical evidence of abuse, and the person who interviewed them "the interviews lasted a few minutes" they told me that they "didn't really say anything that would lead them to believe he abused them" also I was told that just because there isn't physical evidence, this doesn't mean he didn't.

My husband attempted to get me involuntarily committed, the two doctors and counselor decided I did not need to be committed.

He took me to court for temporary custody. He had a lawyer, and I did not. They had proof of me cheating on my husband numerous times and proof of me previously being depressed and suicidal. They had my journals from when I was younger "12-16". I admitted to cheating and to being suicidal previously and depressed. I was in a mental institute a few times when I was younger for suicide attempts and depression. Also, while my children were with me at my sister's house, me and my sister got into a physical fight. His dad testified that my husband was the main caregiver. My son missed five days of school during the two months we were gone. There are text messages where I was verbally abusive to my husband.

He won temporary custody with me seeing my children every other weekend, at my grandmother's home. My husband told me that if I agreed to be committed that I could move back in with him. I lied about being suicidal to be committed. They diagnosed me with major depression with psychotic features. However, the social worker told me that I was not psychotic and I should install nanny cams.

Almost a year later, I am still here with my husband. He ignores the children when they talk to him, he stays on his phone continuously, and sleeps on the couch. My oldest recently has been telling me of abuse, and he has bruises that match the abuse. Over the years my oldest has continuously had questionable bruises, however, my husband always had an excuse, like saying he fell. I have texts in which my husband admits to being depressed, suicidal, searching for preteen porn, I have logs of websites he visited that contained children in sexual poses in minimal clothing like bikinis, texts where he admits to hitting himself with objects. I do not have a job and I have a year left in nursing school. What do I do about the possible abuse? Do I have any chance to gain custody?

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Did you install those nanny cams like you were told to do?


Have you been receiving counseling for your alleged psychosis?


Those two are probably the most important things you should get done if you ever hope to have full custody in the future.

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I have absolutly no advice on this one because im not a lawyer - all i can say is hugs hon - stay strong for your kids

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