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should i leave? will it happen again?

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Well me and my girlfriend have been together for about 1 1/2 years. She is my first love, i also lost my virginity to her, she lost hers to me as well. About a week ago i found out that she was seeing someone on the side. She just met him about a week ago. Well today i found out that she slept with him, ( she told me ) She was crying and telling me how sorry she was, that she loved me and regrets it. She said that she only wants to be with me, and that she'll do anything to get me back. She also said that she won't give up until we're back together. basically i need advise on wether or not i should take what she says to heart,build the trust back, forgiver her and continue the relationship. Or if i should let her go. I LOVE her with all my heart and i can't picture myself being without her.

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We all make mistakes. Had she not done this, she may have had to break up with you just to satisfy her curiosity about other men. It is a compliment of sorts that she came back to you and wants to remain with you.


I'd give her another chance. These things happen. She has proven her honesty and it doesn't sound like she did it to hurt you in any way.


Evaluate all the circumstances and if you feel you can find it in your heart to give her another chance, I would do so. However, if you do get back together, you can never ever bring this up again. If you discuss this event or alude to it in any way in the future, you will destroy what you have.


So if the two of you can put it behind you and move on, do so.


Now, one item you need to attend to. She needs to get the necessary testing done for STD's before the two of you start having sex again. You may have to refrain from sex for four to six months, the incubation period for AIDS. Consult a physician to see just what you need to do.


I know it sounds odd and the chances are slim, but if ladies do pick up diseases from having sex with men...even with a condom. You don't want to get something...or even die...because of her indiscretion.


Once you've cleared that hurdle, the relationship can get back to normal. Remember, never bring it up again.

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Ms Understood
i also lost my virginity to her, she lost hers to me as well.

In my opinion darling, you don't lose your virginity. You give it away. You both gave each other something really special that you cannot get back. She says she is sorry, ok. She says it won't happen again, at least she has found out that the grass isn't greener on the other side and has said that she loves you.


I'd give her another chance. It will take a while to build up the trust again but remember that all things take time. If you genuinly love this girl. And I believe you do, then sort this out. Tell her how you feel, every little detail. She will be feeling upset and guilty because of what she has done, her animal instincts and curiosity took over. But it is you she want's. Give her another chance. You have nothing to lose.

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