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Why do girls act the way they do?

Curious in Concert

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Curious in Concert

To Everyone,


I love my girlfriend very much. I would do anything for her, and my heart belongs to her. Now, I'm curious. She and I have a long distance relationship right now, and so it makes it harder for us to see each other. Now, when I talk to her on the phone, which I do alot, I always express my interest in seeing her as soon as possible. When I tell her I miss her, and I want to be with her sometimes she seems... as if she is indifferent to seeing me again.


Now, if I don't bring up the subject of my missing her for a couple days, like say I don't mention it when i talk to her on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, when I talk to her on Friday she will ask me something like "Do you miss me?" Of course, my immediate response is "I miss you terribly." Now, after she's asked me this, she will enthusiasticly express an interest in seeing me again, and she will tell me how much she misses me, and i can respond in kind enthusiasticly, because I really do miss her.


To the root of my question: If I continually express my interest in seeing her and that I miss her, should I take the seeming disinterest on her part, or the unwillingness to bring it up before a few days have past, as a sign that she is just being very very shy, and would rather that I express it, or does she somehow think that she shouldn't express her interest in seeing me?


If one of those, then why does she bring it up after several days of my not mentioning it(Note: Its not necessarily the day before the weekend, I was just using that as an example.) does she feel that she can tell me she misses me then? Is she afraid that for some reason I've stopped being interested in her, and so she needs to do something to keep me attracted? I find this confusing, because sometimes I'm not sure exactly what it is I'm supposed to do in that sort of situation.


While I'm at it, I might as well ask my other question, to save some time and space on this board. If my girlfriend is afraid of commiting to a serious relationship, what can I do, beyond just being there for her, and loving her, to help her get past this? She's told me she thinks I'm perfect for her, and I know that she loves me deeply, and I love her also, but she tells me she's afraid of commiting. I just want to help her get past this. Thanks.

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Hi Curious,


In long distance relationships you lose some of the best non-verbal tools in communication so it's essential you work on being open and honest in conversations with your girlfriend.


If it's truly love she will be able to withstand that tough question you're really wanting to ask - - does she really love you.


There are just so many trials and doubts in being separated from the person you love that I can't begin to guess at the reasoning behind her occasional indifference. I truly believe it best that you pose the question to her.


I'm currently in a long distance relationship myself and once, at the point of giving up, our much-admired Tony urged me to be completely truthful about my doubts and loneliness. I took his advice and my words fell on very loving ears. We're closer than ever now and my great guy is working very hard preparing to move to me.


Honesty works. It can spare you much doubt and pain.

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