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Attraction Signals

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If a women gave you the following signals what would you think?


1. She gets jealous if you talk about another women.

2. She takes the phone off the hook when you are talking.

3. She gives lots of EC.

4. She plays with her hair when talking to you.

5. She never applies her make-up in front of you.

6. She never discusses a BF with you.


I will also say she runs hot and cold. She will seem happy to see me sometimes and then other times completely ignore me. Is she just a tease or is she shy and reserved?

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Tamed Wildflower

She's definitely interested in you, Marshbear. Numbers 5 and 6 don't necessarily mean anything-- I had never heard the make-up thing before, and never discussing a BF may mean she doesn't have one to discuss, so she wouldn't be discussing one regardless of whether she likes you. Two, three, and four are pretty good signals. Number one is really clear, here is a translation: "I'd like you to be interested in me, not her." Because I see number one compounded with numbers two, three, and four, I feel pretty definitely sure she is interested.


As far as ignoring you sometimes-- this could be that she is annoyed that you haven't returned her signals or asked her out. It could also be that she feels she has sent you very strong signals and now would like to come to her. Sometimes courtship (yes I know I use really old-fashioned words sometimes) is a bit of a dance. She dances toward you, dances away, toward you, away, and if you are dancing with her, you are following her moves, making advances, stepping back to see how they are received, advancing, dancing closer, dancing closer still.


Only it sounds like she's dancing alone. That's gotta be frustrating! :mad:


So go dance wit her! :D

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I think they are good signals also but when I asked her out she said we are "just friends".



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Originally posted by Marshbear

I think they are good signals also but when I asked her out she said we are "just friends".





Then take her at her word - treat her as a friend. Tell her about the hot woman you had lunch with, the girl you've been hitting on in accounting, etc. Get her advice on what to wear for the next hot date, etc.


Watch her go crazy with jealousy and get her to come back to you. If you want someone who blows hot and cold.

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Here's an amendment for another person I know. Different gal than the signal gal. We had dated for about 5 months and she decided that we weren't right for each other and we broke-up. I have no problem with this but she still seems to have problem seeing me ( at all). If she ever sees me she acts very nervous and embarrassed and puts her head down if we pass. It has been about 8 months since we split. Why isn't she over it and what does she have to be embarrassed about??? :(

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Originally posted by ReluctantRomeo

Then take her at her word - treat her as a friend.

I beg to differ...don't be her friend at all. That will really drive her nuts.

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Originally posted by Marshbear

If she ever sees me she acts very nervous and embarrassed and puts her head down if we pass. It has been about 8 months since we split. Why isn't she over it and what does she have to be embarrassed about??? :(

she is not embarrased at all. you are misreading her signals. she is uncomfortable seeing you and does not want to interact with you.

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Originally posted by alphamale

I beg to differ...don't be her friend at all. That will really drive her nuts.


Even funnier! :bunny:

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Tamed Wildflower
Originally posted by Marshbear

Here's an amendment for another person I know. Different gal than the signal gal. We had dated for about 5 months and she decided that we weren't right for each other and we broke-up. I have no problem with this but she still seems to have problem seeing me ( at all). If she ever sees me she acts very nervous and embarrassed and puts her head down if we pass. It has been about 8 months since we split. Why isn't she over it and what does she have to be embarrassed about??? :(


Maybe she feels ashamed, like she thinks maybe she hurt you and feels guilty.


I think that sometimes, there comes a time when it's better to ask the people in your life what is going on than the people on your post board. We can offer you our best guesses, but if you really want to know, and especially if you want to resolve anything so that maybe she won't look away everytime she sees you, you are going to have to go up to HER and say, "Hey, can we talk for a few minutes in private?" And then ask her.


That's truly my best advice on this one.

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I have tried that and she doesn't want to discuss it with me. I think she might be feeling guilty or embarassed but she doesn't need to be. I have done all I can and the rest will have to be up to her...

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i don't mean to be ridiculous here, but maybe there is something else going on in her life that has nothing to do with you, but means she doesn't want to date.

she could like you a lot but not be into starting anything just now. or she could be really attracted to you, but knows that there is something about you or herself that means you would not make a good couple. or maybe she is involved in something with someone else.


if you asked her out and she said no, there is nothing else to do but either be her friend or don't - whichever you want.

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just an FYI:


My last GF said she just wanted to be friends at first. She gave me all the "don't want to date now", and "last relationship wasn't very long ago" lines. So, I hung out with her as friends for about a week, then out of the blue she threw me up against a wall and stuck her tongue down my throat.

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Tamed Wildflower
Originally posted by Marshbear

I have tried that and she doesn't want to discuss it with me. I think she might be feeling guilty or embarassed but she doesn't need to be. I have done all I can and the rest will have to be up to her...


Well, I guess you will probably just have to let it go then. I know that is not the answer you were looking for, but I don't know what other answer there is at this point. :(

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