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Poem for the loss of my friend


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[color=blue]A poem for the loss of a good friend I had......[/color]




[color=red]Loss of a Friend



To never care is to never hurt

To never love is to never lose

But to never have cared is to never have felt

And to never have loved is to never have lived



I loved and lost but don't regret having lived

I cared and got hurt but refuse to stop feeling

To love and care for a friend is the bond of a lifetime.

To lose a friend is to lose a piece of yourself.



You want to be there for them but have been cut off

You let them keep that piece of your heart

Hoping they will find it useful when they are in a time of need



I will start here from the bottom where I lay

And battle with my problems till I win

In hopes of hearing some day that you fought too

And have found your way out of your pit [/color]

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