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I Really Need Good Advice - son's broken heart

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My son was going with a girl for three years. There was no indication of anything being wrong. He bought her a ring ( not engagement) which she accepted and was treated like a princess for her birthday. two weeks later she says she needs her space and breaks up with him. Now he is not eating, sleeping or even smiling. he is not himself at all. She has broken his heart so badly, I dont think he will get over it. He is really hurt by her. He is a good looking guy and honestly never knew what he saw in this girl at all. None of his friends like her. What advice can you give me? He wants her back and she says she loves him BUT! I hate that But business. She is afraid she will miss something if she stays with him. UGH! I told him to move on, but I know how hard it is to begin again. He isnt listening to anyone.

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Hi sickmom,


I have gone through like most if not all the posters here what your son is going through. I would suggest that you tell him to sign on to LS and read some of the other peoples posts here. It could help him see that others are going through the same as him and maybe it would help him to tell others how he is feeling and get some feed back from the gang here. I know this site has helpped me a lot in dealing with my break up....As for him not eating and not sleeping that will take time and it to shall pass.....good luck

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I agree with DJones. But if you are posting for your son, how old is he? What is happening to him is fairly common with younger folk. Happened to me a few times.


I was hurt badly by my ex about 6 months ago and was in the same boat. I didn't start eating until my friends started cheering me up. However, I stupidly wouldn't let her go then when I should have. I hung on, pressed her, tried to convince her she was wrong and it the end, I ended up being the one who was wrong.


I think is his case, a few weeks or months of NO CONTACT would suffice. Give her the freedom she desires. If she comes back to him, she'll be invigorated knowing she got to test the waters and decided she HOME was a better place to be.


Good luck.

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Hi Sickmom -


First of all my heart goes out to your son - I can understand what he's going through. My only question is how old is he? The problem with young men (early-mid teens) when they get their heartbroken is that they form these negative patterns with coping, instead of crying about something and moving on from it, they can dwell on the issue and sometimes cause a complex or serious concern around how they cope with conflict - resulting in later issues with resolving things in a . He sounds to me like a normal guy going through his first break up with a serious partner?

All he prob needs is a bit of time to reflect on whats happend - maybe even talk to someone who isn't directly involved in his life? like an old friend he hasn't seen for a while or someone he can associate with who can be objective and open to hearing his feelings without having any preconceptions? Thats what I did with my bestfriend, I helped as much as I could but I noticed i wasn't making it better by telling him his partner was hated by everyone and all of that - at the end of the day if you love someone you will be with them no matter what everyone else says because I understand now its not always something u can control..


Get him involved in his own interests/passions so he has other things in his life that make him happy apart from having a loving mother like you and a messy upsetting situation with the gf! I know its easy to say but it helps having lots of different focuses! ;)


Anyway you sound like a lovely mom! Goodluck with everything, :)

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