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Women measure the amount of contacts with level of interest


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Several times and in real life, I had male friends tell me that the women they'd been in touch with, that had blown them off when having asked them out.


Usually my friends would take the hint and stop contacting them.


A recent co-worker of mine had done this with a woman about an event coming up. Apparently he asked her to an event that was downtown and she was like "I dunno, I'm not sure just yet, I'll have to see what my schedule is like, blah blah blah."


He said, "Okay" and that was that. She calls him around a week later to see "what's up" and they get into an arguement about that event. She said, "Well, you just GAVE UP too easily, I was expecting you to put a little more effort into pursuing me."


No joke, this is what she said.


Previous male friends had female friends HIM so-called advice about "touching base' with a woman repeatedly as she's only playing hard to get and bases a man's level of interest in her by making him chase her repeatedly.


Of course, there's a fine line between this...and well...obviously stalking...so it's a lose/lose situation. yes?

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When's the last time you took a break from analyzing the mating habits of women you don't know and went on a date with ones you actually do?

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Ah, the games people play when trying to date one another.


People hear about the "rules of the game" and treat them as gospel.


They believe that's how it works, for everyone.


Call, don't call, wait a day or two, ignore them altogether. The 3rd date "rule".


I find these funny but people take them very seriously.


Oh well :p

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Several times and in real life, I had male friends tell me that the women they'd been in touch with, that had blown them off when having asked them out.


Usually my friends would take the hint and stop contacting them.


A recent co-worker of mine had done this with a woman about an event coming up. Apparently he asked her to an event that was downtown and she was like "I dunno, I'm not sure just yet, I'll have to see what my schedule is like, blah blah blah."


He said, "Okay" and that was that. She calls him around a week later to see "what's up" and they get into an arguement about that event. She said, "Well, you just GAVE UP too easily, I was expecting you to put a little more effort into pursuing me."


No joke, this is what she said.


Previous male friends had female friends HIM so-called advice about "touching base' with a woman repeatedly as she's only playing hard to get and bases a man's level of interest in her by making him chase her repeatedly.


Of course, there's a fine line between this...and well...obviously stalking...so it's a lose/lose situation. yes?



Yes, the more you pursue a woman, (if she wants you to), the better off you'll be.

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It's scenarios like the one OP was referring to that makes me scratch my head.


Why would she tell him a response that makes her uninterested when she did have interest.


Why couldn't she said instead, "I have to check my schedule. Can you call me back in the next 3 days?"


There wasn't anything for the guy to go by with that response. Only those who have no regard for what a woman would say would try to continue beyond that point.


I daresay she sabotaged herself because I would have done the same. I don't continue pursuing women who doesn't show interest.

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Sometimes I'm uncertain of how you want us to read these anecdotes...


Should we see this as a reflection of a general trend or behavior or look at it for what I suspect it likely is, an anecdote about something that can happen and does happen sometimes to people you know?


Look, some women will play hard to get. Some won't. This story shouldn't be taken as any general rule for how you should or should not act and how women are or aren't.


I don't play hard to get personally and I know lots of women who don't either, and I specifically know two women who read "The Rules" and do, but in my circle they are the minority. If I like a man, I want to see him and if he asks me out I agree. If I'm truly busy I'll ask to reschedule. I do want him to show interest by contacting me and confirming the date for example but I won't purposefully pretend not to know what I'm doing and try to make him ask multiple times. If you don't like this and see that a woman is doing this, she isn't for you and you need to find women who are more straightforward.

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Sometimes I'm uncertain of how you want us to read these anecdotes...


Should we see this as a reflection of a general trend or behavior or look at it for what I suspect it likely is, an anecdote about something that can happen and does happen sometimes to people you know?


Look, some women will play hard to get. Some won't. This story shouldn't be taken as any general rule for how you should or should not act and how women are or aren't.


I don't play hard to get personally and I know lots of women who don't either, and I specifically know two women who read "The Rules" and do, but in my circle they are the minority. If I like a man, I want to see him and if he asks me out I agree. If I'm truly busy I'll ask to reschedule. I do want him to show interest by contacting me and confirming the date for example but I won't purposefully pretend not to know what I'm doing and try to make him ask multiple times. If you don't like this and see that a woman is doing this, she isn't for you and you need to find women who are more straightforward.


Here is the typical situation that I encounter with women:


I meet a woman, get to know her a bit, and ask her out. She rejects me. I leave her alone or decide to just be friends, forgetting all about it. Seemingly randomly (and always on her terms), she shows a significant amount of interest. By the time that I notice it, either the window has already passed or I've simply moved on.


VERY occasionally, I'll meet a woman that is straight-forward. I ask her out, she says yes, and everything goes smoothly. Unfortunately, every single one of these women ended up being wrong place at the wrong time (usually one of us or both were moving away for a big life event). Needless to say, these women got snatched up quickly once they reached their destination.

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