Lion Heart Posted May 2, 2015 Share Posted May 2, 2015 I know what ur saying Elaine. .. but I think that's a bitty unfair.. she was 25 when we married in July 2003....she is 15/06/1978....I am 10/june/ 1964... ..both Gemini's. ..probably dodgy combination. ..but I was only 39 at the time...still quite young. If I'd known about her A in 2003.. .I would have divorced then of course. ..and still be fairly young to move on... she stole 12 lying deceitful years of my life.. are you saying fidelity is age related? My mum married my dad when she was 22..and stayed faithful till he died..I was 11 then...can you be me for marrying a 25 year old and expecting her to be faithful. ..which according to your logic was never going to be really its my fault. .. Man Lis you are one clever thinker! Only less than 2 months out from D Day, D last week, TT and continuing Ground Hog Days, trauma from betrayal and you can respond in such detail? Your right brain (as in not left!) but correct brain too will start to take over more. My mental (yeah I mean crazy) advice is to take your time to nurture yourSELF but hurry up to engage with "safe" others. Well my grandparents were both Geminis and met in Kindergarten. They marked each others Maths papers that my G grandmother kept! They dated as teenagers and M at 20. My grandfather died at 59. They had an extremely passionate relationship. Big arguments & LOTS of love. He was the best grandfather ever and guess what? You share his birthday. So how's that Pop? Yes they remained M. Not sure about fidelity! Lol. I was too young to twig to any of that. They sure loved a drink! It wasn't the Gemini + Gemini equation nor age nor any other supercilious reason you could ever find for your exWW infidelity. She did it because she WANTED to. I know it's harsh. That's the harshest reason of all to digest but it's true. I felt "SNAP" with you at the robbery of my last 15y too. The possibilities that "could have been" during those years and marching into old age, could have been so much more fulfilling had we met better matches all those years ago. It's sad. It's SUCH a waste. Waste of time and energy and now being ripped off $$. I'm working on catching myself when I'm resentful of my fractured back bearing exWH No. 1 child. Then a fully separated stomach muscles event carrying exWH No. 2 twins. And I swing right back and do a 360 on that thinking REAL fast. I chose lousy fathers for my children but they're my children and I know I'm so blessed with the privilege of being their mother. They are my sunshine! Always have been, always will be regardless of what d***wits their fathers are. WH No. 2 left today. I forced it. It had to be done. Not 100% in so I made the decision that he would be 100% out (bar the children of course). I'm really trying to help you look at what you DO have. Your thinking just HAS to come back to the glass half full at some stage. It may as well be today. As I left the boys soccer field today, knowing my WH was packing his things (with Police escort - another story! ), I breathed out and said out loud the very corny saying: "TODAY is the first day of the rest of my life". Then I cried all the way to the car, cried when I saw a mummy bird trying to get her baby bird across the street and cried with the knowledge of the unbelievable task I have now. To parent 3 teenagers a year apart at school as a single parent. Virtually no family support and possibly no financial support from WF. Amongst ALL that crying because I did pause! I tried hard to think of the wonderful adventures I'm going to have with my beautiful babies. I need to learn how to attach the roof racks properly! It's gonna be ok. For you and for me. We'll get through this. We may have more to learn about how! But we will survive this. We may even thrive. Lion Heart. 3 Link to post Share on other sites
i am gutted Posted May 2, 2015 Share Posted May 2, 2015 Yeah when you disclose your country, get ready for mass immigration! LH hahahahahahahahahahahahahaa............ yes 6 weeks is pretty quick alright....2 years here 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author lisbon67 Posted May 2, 2015 Author Share Posted May 2, 2015 Brilliant post Lionheart. ..always cheers me up and inspires me at the same time... yep..that's amazing ur grandparents also 2 Gemini's. ..and your papa same day as me 10th June...!! Yep...I'm still at the kinda trauma stage. ..still can't really believe it and still getting groundhog days etc ...but I went for a swim this morning and a jog.. we have one of only two outdoor pools in Scotland. ..heated salt water. .and nice sunny day...I'm just out now and feel better than for last few days...or weeks! I'm slowly getting to the glass half full like you mention. Sorry to hear about your own situation and that you've decided to fling out Wh2...but maybe it's the best seem quite upbeat and positive about it in your mind...while obviously daunted by the task ahead of you with 3 teenagers to look after on your own....but as you say. ..think of the potential new adventures and experirnces and new people to meet etc.... we'll support each other pal...take care and keep on touch...I've tried pm you last week. ..but was again from my phone and it didn't go through for some reason...will do it from my pc... when you get the chance ger yourself over to Scotland. ..I ll take you and ur daughters to a Glasgow Celtic football (soccer) match. ..that'll be a new experience. ..and u could look up your Scottish ancestors too.. its amazing how much better I feel after swim in open air....suppose for you aussies that woukd be run of the mill every day thing.. our pool open only may to September. ..x 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author lisbon67 Posted May 3, 2015 Author Share Posted May 3, 2015 I love just this small short phrase...easy to remember in my head when my thoughts are in washing machine spin mode every day!...its inspiring,,and ive copied it to my phone memo to take with me... 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author lisbon67 Posted May 3, 2015 Author Share Posted May 3, 2015 Always have been, always will be regardless of what d***wits their fathers are. Brilliant always make great points to me...but manage to make me smile too when you inject a bit of your humour always..thats a good sign surely 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author lisbon67 Posted May 3, 2015 Author Share Posted May 3, 2015 Betrayed H I was just curious after reading one of your posts on another thread...'reactions'... Are you now Reconciled with your WW...? sorry im not sure Link to post Share on other sites
Lion Heart Posted May 5, 2015 Share Posted May 5, 2015 Brilliant post Lionheart. ..always cheers me up and inspires me at the same time... yep..that's amazing ur grandparents also 2 Gemini's. ..and your papa same day as me 10th June...!! Yep...I'm still at the kinda trauma stage. ..still can't really believe it and still getting groundhog days etc ...but I went for a swim this morning and a jog.. we have one of only two outdoor pools in Scotland. ..heated salt water. .and nice sunny day...I'm just out now and feel better than for last few days...or weeks! I'm slowly getting to the glass half full like you mention. Sorry to hear about your own situation and that you've decided to fling out Wh2...but maybe it's the best seem quite upbeat and positive about it in your mind...while obviously daunted by the task ahead of you with 3 teenagers to look after on your own....but as you say. ..think of the potential new adventures and experirnces and new people to meet etc.... we'll support each other pal...take care and keep on touch...I've tried pm you last week. ..but was again from my phone and it didn't go through for some reason...will do it from my pc... when you get the chance ger yourself over to Scotland. ..I ll take you and ur daughters to a Glasgow Celtic football (soccer) match. ..that'll be a new experience. ..and u could look up your Scottish ancestors too.. its amazing how much better I feel after swim in open air....suppose for you aussies that woukd be run of the mill every day thing.. our pool open only may to September. ..x Wow you are changing things for yourself! That's fantastic. Just wow. Well done! I sound like a mother sorry! Well for us Aussies it could be an everyday thing but there you go. Life takes over. But those long coastal road trips are the bomb! Thankyou for those offers - watch out! Kids passport applications were signed by WH before he left lol. I'm finally getting my priorities straight. Yep Poppy was 10th June too. You must be a great Pop. Huh? Lol. Keep on keeping on. One moment at a time. LH 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author lisbon67 Posted May 9, 2015 Author Share Posted May 9, 2015 Keep on keeping on. One moment at a time. LH Thanks LH...your words give me spirit. .on a daily basis....and I'm not being mushy about that it's true. And of course I wish the same for you.. sou ds like you are going through hell...but you're certainly keeping on keeping on...slainte va Link to post Share on other sites
Author lisbon67 Posted May 9, 2015 Author Share Posted May 9, 2015 slàinte mhath I meant. ...x Link to post Share on other sites
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