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I want to change and stop hurting my wife

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Your wife was going to divorce you because you look at internet porn?


She's way out of line.


Almost all guys look at porn. It's completely normal.


She needs to realize this. And so do you.

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I really hate it when people villify those who look at porn. I noticed that women especially love to villify men who look at porn, accuse them of cheating, and a whole bunch of other crazy nonsense. Its scary the levels of insecurity some people have.


It CAN be insecurity.


But it can also be values.


If his wife finds porn against her values (for whatever reason), and OP married her knowing her values and thus agreeing to them, then yes, porn IS a form of betrayal in that case.


It doesn't mean porn is always bad - but when a couple marry, they make agreements on this sort of thing, and if he agreed, then he needs to honor that agreement, or attempt to renegotiate it.


This is why it is really important to show your true self to someone BEFORE you marry them. If your values are incompatible, you can then move on.

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well, YES! you are an idiot....for getting caught.



You have to really kiss some butt now. giver her all passwords to anything. have her sit down and watch you leave any sex type site memberships.



Install a keylogger on your computer and phone and give her control to see anything you do on them.



If she is REALLY serious about divorcing you because you looked at naked women, however, then SHE is nutz too, and you might be better off without her. is she ultra religious or something?

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I don't see the big deal. If you're still engaging with her like you did before with conversation, affection and sex, then I don't see an issue. Threatening divorce over something so menial is manipulative and controlling.

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