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My bf ( whom I still love dearly)just got married.He had only knew her since 4/99 before asking her and and 3 months before getting married.Something he told me he would never do for at least 2 years of being together.


Why do i feel so strange?Like I've lost something I'll never find again?



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Since he is married now, one thing I can recommend is to start referring to him as your ex-boyfriend. That is if you must talk about him at all.


I think him getting married should be a fairly obvious signal to you that you and he will not be together again. At least that should be the message you get from this. If you continue to think about getting back together with him after this, then you will probably need additional help, maybe from a counselor, in moving on with your life.


Don't spend anymore time thinking about him, what he did, what he is doing or why. It's over! Now, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on to more important things and happier thoughts.

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YOU WRITE: "My bf ( whom I still love dearly)just got married."


When a guy gets married, he's no longer your boyfriend. In your case, he ceased to be your boyfriend prior to the time he started seeing the lady he eventually married.


1. Why do i feel so strange?


It's always feels kind of strange when somebody you once dated and were close to gets married. It's really weird when you still love that person dearly, as you do). It's like somebody else is going to be experiencing over a very long period what we enjoyed for a short time. Except that's hardly the case at all. They'll have their problems and their heartbreaks right along with the good times.


Wish them well but honor your feelings. They'll go away with time and you won't feel so strange about this.


2. Like I've lost something I'll never find again?


Now nature would be really cruel if that were the case. Billions of people throughout the ages have broken up with people they loved dearly and later found even greater love. There's always somebody out there for everybody. When we are still deeply in love, when we are stuck in that place and reluctant to let go, we don't find anybody.


When the time is right, I promise you'll find great happiness.


Wish your guy well in his marriage.


3. "He had only knew her since 4/99 before asking her and and 3 months before getting married.Something he told me he would never do for at least 2 years of being together."


So he changed his mind. Maybe his decision to get married was temporary insanity. Maybe her family's got lots of money. There's all kinds of reasons why people make decisions and it's every bit their right to do so.


There is really no time frame for getting engaged or married. You go with your feelings in those cases. You can never predict what your feelings are going to be in the future. There's a right time and a right person for everybody. Let's hope for your ex's sake he made the right decision. I am sure you want the very best for him.

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