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To Tony, complimenting a past post


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I've been away from the shack for a few weeks, busy with matters of the heart, work, and home. Today I was browsing the shack and ran across one of your responses to a question on recognizing love. I've copied it below.


Your answer was touching, beautiful and true, Tony. Thank you for composing such a lovely symphony to honest, unselfish love.


~ Taressa




Posted by Tony on Thursday, 8 March 2001, at 8:02 a.m., in response to Love, posted by Ace on Thursday, 8 March 2001, at 1:47 a.m.


When you are really in love with this girl, you will be filled with joy in your heart that she is able to have a wonderful time on Spring Break and you will have no thoughts of how she may lose control and do things with other guys, as you have previously expressed in a post.


True love does not possess the beloved. You will be truly in love when you know your girl is always in your heart and never leaves you, no matter where she is, no matter how long and no matter what she is doing.


You are missing her now and that is normal. Deep feelings of real love are concerned only for the welfare and happiness of the beloved.


I'm quite sure what you are feeling is love but sometimes we have to fine tune it to get it right. If everybody felt true love for their significant other, there would be far less pain when the object of their love moved on.


The absense of ever having had the opportunity to love that person, of ever having experienced a great love, should be of far more concern that their being away, leaving or of their finding someone else.


Sometimes I weep for all of those I could have really loved but didn't because I didn't have the nerve to make an approach or, even much worse, because I was not ready to release from my heart someone I loved who had long departed physically.

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While I am most grateful for your kindness in complimenting this post, I must say that it disturbed Ace, to whom it was addressed. His response to it was less than favorable.


I don't think it was quite the reply he was looking for.

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You aroused my curiosity so I went back to read the whole string. Honestly, I can see his point. He didn't think he was expressing anything negative. He saw it only as a lovely tribute in missing his girlfriend.


While I believe his original post was sweet, I'm disappointed that he felt and expressed this love only after his girlfriend was away and the insecure doubts of losing her surfaced.


You're right, Tony: love rejoices in a person's presence and in the good things they enjoy while away. Love trusts because it is trustworthy. Love rejoices because it is unselfish. Love is patient because it is solidly based on trust, not doubt or desperation.


Despite the feedback to the contrary, I believe your post was gently sound and beautiful.


Have a good night.

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