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So I'm the kind of girl that only has sex in committed relationships. I broke up with my last boyfriend in January so it's been 3 months. Over the weekend I was at a party and ended up going home with a guy who is not my type at all and is not boyfriend material for me. We had sex, just to be clear. I've never had a sex only, no ties, relationship. I would be concerned about getting attached but I know he's so not my kind of guy. So my question is, is it possible to have a sex only relationship?

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Yes, rip and dip...Don't stick around after to cuddle or talk...just get your f*ck and go...I'm being honest... :p

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Yes. It is not only possible but some people prefer it because they don't want to get involved.


Is it for you? Maybe. If you are just looking for release with no strings then it is the way to go. Either way the decision is yours.

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ONLY do this if you are SURE that you won't develop feelings for him. which isn't something i think you can be sure of. especially if he is a good enough lover for it to be worth it to take all the risks associated with sex without knowing that your partner is someone you can trust.


plus, if it is sex only, that means he could be sleeping with others as well, which not only increases your risks of STD's, but also your chances of feeling insecure, jealous and lowering your self-image all together.


in these situations, it is always best to ask yourself how you would feel and what you would do if the worst happened (ie: if you got pregnant, if you got HIV, if you fell for him and went to surprise him with some romantic gesture, but ended up seeing him sleep with someone else)

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Maybe my question should have been more towards, how do you know if you yourself are capable of having this kind of relationship?


My biggest concern is about STDs, this guy is a friend of my friend's brother, distant enough but not too much. He says he's been tested but yeah, you never know. I am to some extent concerned about a change in my self-image, not thinking that I'm bad necessarily, but different.

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So my question is, is it possible to have a sex only relationship?


Possible, but a VERY bad idea.


You know, living with out sex is possible. I think you'll survive. A sex only relationship will only complicate your life and make it harder for you to form a real relationship with a love connection. becuase You'll spend a lot of time either with this person or thinking about this person, and then you'll miss your chance to meet your soul mate.


Maybe my question should have been more towards, how do you know if you yourself are capable of having this kind of relationship?


As a woman, your chances of feeling alright with a f--kbuddy situation are about 1%.

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