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I'm a young straigth woman but i'm very attracted to female breasts. do you know why? lately, i enjoy when my boyfriend sucks them. i'm not attracted to girls but i love breasts. what does this means?

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I'm not attracted to chickens but I love thighs and wings. Go figure!


Your attraction to women's breasts probably stems from your early days of development. A breast represents your first great meals, the nourishment that got you stabilized here on earth in your first months of life. I'm sure your love for the sight of breasts started as an infant when you were hungry and they represented a delicious, nutricious and life-giving meal.


Breasts are an attractive part of the female anatomy. Liking the appearance of breasts is no different than liking to look at new cars, paintings in a museum, antiques in a store, pictures in a book, etc. You have a right to enjoy what you wish and I think somehow a lot of what we find pleasant to the eye is out of our control. There are lots of things I would love to enjoy looking at but I just can't force myself to do so.


I am with you 1000 percent in your love of breasts. If you'd ever like to get together sometime and go breast watching, I'll be right there by your side. As a matter of fact, you may enjoy mine and I would certainly let you look. However, my breasts are similar to my financial condition...flat broke. Of course, if you view mine, I would expect reciprocity. You know, tit for tat.


I wouldn't say you have a breast fetish any more than I have a fetish for the TV show...Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, which I watch often. And if I catch a little breast during the show, that makes it all the better.


Now I will tell you, I really don't limit myself to breats. I love legs, hair, butts, etc...all on women, of course. I think women are just more aethetically more pleasant to the eye than the male anatomy. Even if you are a woman, I don't think it's bad for you to enjoy a part of the female anatomy. There are just so many women and so much to enjoy.


I don't know about you, but when I look at breasts in the mall...I just sort of get a little look at the tops and maybe an outline or something...I try to guess whether or not they're implants. There aren't many doctors who know how to do implants really well. I personally like genuine, 100 percent natural ones. The implants that are done well are OK but the bad jobs are so awful, I'm embarassed for the ladies that have them.


Consider yourself lucky. I think it's much better for a heterosexual woman to enjoy the aesthetics of nice breasts than for heterosexual men to enjoy the views of men's genitals. It just wouldn't seem right to me.


Please keep us abreast of your hobby...and don't worry about it. You're OK.


Tata for now!!!

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hi tony,


i read your comment regarding implants:


I personally like genuine, 100 percent natural ones.


now, i would agree that the women who look as though they've had soccer balls surgically sewn into their chests are revolting (i don't have a breast fetish, trust me!). it's just when you see an obvious boob job, it looks nothing short of horrible.


but if a guy was to meet a girl who's breasts looked really natural and it turned out she had implants (for whatever reason she had them), would that put a guy off?


i'm not asking for any particular reason. i was just curious as to guy's views of implants that look nice and aren't over the top, as to attract attention. guys and boobs are a weird topic.


thanks tony!

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...i meant to write in the last paragraph "as opposed to the women who get them to attract attention..."


i hope you knew what i meant. i skipped a fair few words there!

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YOU ASK: "but if a guy was to meet a girl who's breasts looked really natural and it turned out she had implants (for whatever reason she had them), would that put a guy off?"


We live in a world of illusion. I suppose even if they look like silicone but the doctor did a pretty good job, they would be attractive. Understand that most women don't show their boobs to a guy on first meeting...and usually when the guy sees a lady's breasts for the first time, the lighting is usually very dim and he has to rely largely on the feel at that point.


Implants have always felt pretty real to me. (Everytime one of my lady friends gets an implant, for some reason they insist I feel...like I'm some sort of a barometer of good boob jobs or something.)


Many guys don't care whether they are real or fake...some guys don't know the difference. Others just don't pay that much attention. Some guys feel like any more than a mouthful is a waste. For others, the bigger the better...fake looking or not.


So I don't think a guy would be put off by breast implants, unless they looked extremely ridiculous. Even then, if he really liked the lady he would probably spring for at least part of the dough for corrective surgery.


I have had ladies tell me they were embarassed that one of their breasts was larger than the other. I swear I have never been able to tell the difference. Maybe one was shaped slightly different but I do know females who have gone in for surgery just to match up the size of both of their breasts.


I can say with certainty that I have seen many of my female friends gain mounds of self esteem after a boobjob. I remember as a 13-year-old 8th grader going on a field trip overhearing a group of girls talking about the size of one girl's breasts. They were all rather envious. I always remembered that little converation on the bus. Breast size is obviously a subject of chat, even among the girls.


Yes, a boob job may make someone appear to have breasts they weren't born with and they may look a little fake but if they give her such a boost in her self image, I suppose it's all worth the while. I would definitely recommend breast augmentation for any female who is troubled by the size or shape of her breasts. Such an operation can change one's life for the better.


I have never really understood why boobs were so important to a woman. After all, their main purpose is to feed the young. Yet grown men seem to get lots more turned on to them than starving babies ready to suck up their dinner.


While my post may have sort of concentrated on boobs, trust me, brains are far more important (to me at least) than a lady's chest. If she's flat out of intellect, she could have boobs coming out her ear and I wouldn't be impressed.


I also warn any woman contemplating a breast enlargement that she should do lots of research and get references on the doctor. Make sure he is very experienced. A bad plastic surgeon can botch things up so bad the experience could be worse than a nightmare.

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Implants have always felt pretty real to me. (Everytime one of my lady friends gets an implant, for some reason they insist I feel...like I'm some sort of a barometer of good boob jobs or something.)


i will say, that gave me a chuckle. "...a barmometer of good boob jobs.." hehe. pray none of your male friends get implants anywhere....:)


I can say with certainty that I have seen many of my female friends gain mounds of self esteem after a boobjob.


as long as they are doing for it themselves and ONLY themselves. i feel really sorry for the women out there who do it to please a shallow boyfriend. it's so pitiful. i have nothing against the idea myself, if it's what would make a woman happy. but it has to be solely for her and not the benefit of someone else. if a guy told me to get breast implants, i'd tell him to get on his bike and get a personality implant.


I have never really understood why boobs were so important to a woman.


my guess it's all a part of feeling sensual and womanly. some women feel sensual and womanly in an 'a' cup, which is great. but for others who are out of proportion or have lost weight, they may simply want to be able to wear the clothes they like or used to be able to wear. i know a lot of women who have breastfed and lost weight who would love to have them to get back to their original size, and others who don't care. it really is a very personal thing.


While my post may have sort of concentrated on boobs, trust me, brains are far more important to me at least) than a lady's chest. If she's flat out of intellect, she could have boobs coming out her ear and I wouldn't be impressed.


so very true. after all, you're dating the lady, not her breasts (and God help any guy who'd want to date me for my chest. he'd get a swift kick in the arse that's for sure.)


A bad plastic surgeon can botch things up so bad the experience could be worse than a nightmare.


i once saw on television an horrific boob job that was performed on a lady. her nipples were uneven and god knows how, but the implant ruptured her skin. it was terrible. but, this was all performed by a surgeon who was not registered as a plastic surgeon.


so any girls who are contemplating one, do your homework and go to a reputable surgeon *who is registered* to weigh up the pros and cons of such an operation. after all, it is major surgery (and very expensive at that).

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