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Business-related Marriages/Relationshps and how strong they are?

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Something has been on my mind as of recently and, if nothing else, I have been curious.


As I am sure everyone here has seen, there is very attractive couples out there. I am sure there is some out there that I have never heard before, like the one I have just noticed like 2-3 days ago.


To get to the point, when I was at work and noticed the May issue of Iron Man, I saw on the cover of a attractive couple of PJ Braun and his wife, Celeste. Apparently, both is very successful when the man is President of 2 fitness businesses and the women is a former WWE Diva and was once champion while now she just opened up her own clothing line.


Not to mention she is a knockout when it comes to beauty (her stand alone photo in the magazine is just plain stunning).....and seeing her at her bulkiest tells me she can knock me out physically in a one-on-one fight.


Needless to say, I am impressed by what both has done so far in their lives but I had to put things in perspective and was wondering if I should try and build that same kind of life as well because while the prospect of having enough money to do basically everything is nice, I also rather have the love and support of my partner for the long haul as well. However, I also want the challenge of knowing how far I can go in the business world as well.


Lastly, I do want to open a business one day and see how far I can advance it. Since I am working on improving my body right now (I have a scheduled workout today with my strength trainer at 10:30 AM EST this morning), I decided to buy the magazine and take note of what they both have said.


However, I have noticed something. These relationships, despite there is so much going for them, doesn't tend to last, at least from the few examples I have noticed. Either a divorce comes relatively quickly (within the next 5 years) or the relationship becomes a hollow shell of its actual potential where both is only using the other as nothing more than a marketing tool to advance their own business. One thing that is rather common in marriages that lead to divorce is that both partners don't put enough effort in each other. I wonder if this success story is just a early glimpse at a relationship failure one day in the near future.


While I don't want to wish for anyone to suffer, I have to ask if these kinds of relationships is truly worth fighting for?


Would love to hear some opinions on this matter.

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What sort of relationships are you speaking about? Ones in the health industry? Ones where both parties are entrepreneurs? Where both are successful? I am a little confused.


In regards to being a business owner, I think that is a great idea but it isn't easy and not everyone is cut out for it or able to be successful. I would focus on your business and your romantic relationships separately. No matter what your occupation is, relationships take constant nurturing and development so a successful/happy marriage is going to transcend industries and will worth through obstacles.

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Some marriages last others don't.


I think having things in common whether that be a business, an entrepreneurial spirit, a hobby, a philosophy helps keep any couple connected. When the two spouses compete with each other problems are created.


So it all depends.

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I am a little fuzzy on what kind of relationships you are talking about as well. Human beings are relational creatures and I truly believe that it is relationships that make life complete and full of meaning. An example from my own experience, I used to be an avid golfer. I loved everything about it and truly enjoyed being on the course. I played by myself several times over the years, but even as much as I enjoyed playing, it never matched the true joy of going out and playing with a close buddy - better yet - a group of buddies. The most memorable times I have ever spent on a golf course were always with someone else. I can barely even remember any of the rounds I played alone.


We all know that when our time on this earth is over we will not be taking any of our material things with us. Every single one of us, however, hopes that we have loved ones who care deeply about us all around our bed when it is time to say "goodbye." There's nothing wrong with wanting to be successful, to be ambitious and want to make a name for yourself, but what difference will it make if you don't have someone to share it with? I loved being married and my heart is still broken over an unwanted divorce. I am still looking for someone who wants to share their life with me though. In the mean-time, I commit myself to being a good father, grandfather, and friend to those around me. Relationships are what pour meaning into my life - especially my relationship with the Heavenly Father.

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I am referring to relationships where both spouses are entrepreneurs and both is business owners.


In my example, PJ Braun is running 2 companies as President, which I think is 2nd in line behind his partner, who is CEO. His wife is CEO of her clothing line business.


The thing that catches my attention is that since both is running a total of 3 companies and is constantly busy is whether or not their relationship itself will take a sharp hit because they are spending their days trying to advance their companies, which will be a shame considering the wife is gorgeous and he is quite bulky at their ages. It would be a shame if their lovemaking is at its lowest during this particular times of their lives when they couldn't get that much more healthier.

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Successful entrepreneurs are very good at work life balance. They do put a great deal of energy & time into their businesses but the good ones play as hard as they work.

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I am referring to relationships where both spouses are entrepreneurs and both is business owners.


In my example, PJ Braun is running 2 companies as President, which I think is 2nd in line behind his partner, who is CEO. His wife is CEO of her clothing line business.


The thing that catches my attention is that since both is running a total of 3 companies and is constantly busy is whether or not their relationship itself will take a sharp hit because they are spending their days trying to advance their companies, which will be a shame considering the wife is gorgeous and he is quite bulky at their ages. It would be a shame if their lovemaking is at its lowest during this particular times of their lives when they couldn't get that much more healthier.


:confused:okay . . . .


Two people with high level careers, that take enormous amounts of time will have to be very flexible on expectations with both parties. Entrepreneurs tend to be Type As, control freaks, and workaholics, so they can be successful. This can be hard when both parties are like this and even harder if/when either party has any expectations of traditional roles for either gender but especially the female.


I think you could look at Sheryl Sandburg and her (recently) deceased husband as two heavy hitters who had worked out a good status quo in their marriage. Wasn't perfect but both professed to be very happy.


While not business owners, my husband and I are both executives and it can be a struggle at times. I think we do a great job of being flexible there are still struggles balancing both and expectations of each other. We are throwing a baby into the mix so it should get really fun now. :p

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