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Meanings of eye contact

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In trying to figure out things regarding my coworker, one of the points I mentioned was the prolonged eye contact we share when we talk. This is something new between us (has been going on only about a couple of months). In talking with a close friend who also happens to be female, she discounts my belief that it means what I think it does. She tells me it doesn't necessarily only mean attraction. In looking at various websites that discuss this, however, nearly every one says that prolonged eye contact between a man and a woman rarely means anything but.


So how about it? Are there other things which prolonged eye contact between a man and a woman can mean that have nothing to do with physical attraction? I would especially like the opinion of women here, but, of course, all are welcome.

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Could be a personal quirk. Some people have trouble meeting a gaze for very long, others are real stare-y. Sort of like the close-talker/fear of closeness thing.

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