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when is jealousy ok??

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what does it mean when you really like someone who your almost sure feels about the same way about you, but wont start a relationship because he is temporarily moving back to his hometown for family situations. but gets openly jealous whenever i ever come in contact with other guys he doesnt know of. im confused. because i really care for this guy.

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The way you describe the relationship suggests a lot of uncertainly. You're "almost sure" about how he feels about you. What sort of things make you believe this?


If a person won't start a relationship, s/he really has no right to be jealous, as there is no basis for exclusivity. I'm not faulting his reasons, but if his situation (& the manner in which he is dealing with it) preclude a relationship, then he will have to forfeit the benefits & expectations of a relationship for a time.


Perhaps it would be an incentive to quickly resolve the situation.

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theres a quote in this book that my mom has im her library, and it says : he that is not jealous is not in love. jealousy is a part of human nature, nobody can really control it, its natural just like breathing is.if jealousy has to happen its best when you are most definately in love.

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if jealousy has to happen its best when you are most definately in love.

I don't get why it's best for it to happen when you are in love! That's when I don't want to feel jealous the most. There's enough drama without that monster getting in the mix of things.

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Jealousy is just ugly...


It's funny to me because I've found the Guys who've told me straight up they are not the Jealous kind.. always turn out to be the MOST Jealous :confused::laugh:


I guess it is instinct (if you will) that when you're with someone and into them it isn't hard to become jealous or feel insecure if it appears to you someone else is trying to win them over...


At this point you're not dating this guy so regardless if he's jealous or not.. you're a free agent so to speak:)

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Jealousy is not a good trait in someone if it is unjustified. Unless you are flirting with these guys in his face then he has no reason to feel jealous. I would talk to him and try to reassure him you are not wanting to be with anyone else and if he continues then it might be time to evaluate you relationship and if you really want it with him.

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Originally posted by Marshbear

Jealousy is not a good trait in someone if it is unjustified. Unless you are flirting with these guys in his face then he has no reason to feel jealous. I would talk to him and try to reassure him you are not wanting to be with anyone else and if he continues then it might be time to evaluate you relationship and if you really want it with him.


Thats the thing though... from what the orginal poster has said they aren't in a relationship... so IMO there isn't any reason to reassure him of anything unless or until they are actually dating.

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My Mistake. I am sorry I didn't read the post close enough. It still applies except the relationship part.

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