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How to find someone?

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I am in need of some advice- I have been searching for a past love now for 2 years, he is not in the phone book, I called his old place of employment, and he is not there either.

I really need to find him! I've tried all the find people web sites also. Any advice?

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Abres los ojos...




actually, i google people all the time. i think it's the best way, unless they are in no way newsworthy...

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When there is a will there is a way...


I've tried all the find people web sites also


Hmm...could he have changed his name possibly? Do you know what area he is living in for sure? Could he be deceased? :confused:


Well anyway, a private investigator can always do the trick. Go for that if you have the cash. It would be the easiest and most effective way of finding someone if nothing else works. ;)

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WOW sex kitten your mad cute ;)


you should google him... There are other websites also that you can look people up on.. you said you tried those before though right ? Why didn't they work if you tried them ?? You can find him.. Its not like he just disappeared or got obducted .

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