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Men that disrespect women get more women???

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The manson woman is on here??? Ok, ya got me...but that wild look in his eye is irresistible.


If all a man who moans about "getting women" wants is a vagina to fill, then he can probably go to a dive bar at 2:00 am right before last call.


If he wants a woman of any quality, he needs to concentrate on being the kind of person a quality woman would want.


However, I still say what they really want is a mathematically guaranteed way to get into the pants of a "hot" girl.

Did you use the word quality? I didn't think the sisters used that word. I thought only slut shaming male chauvinists did......

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I wonder if that's how they are IRL, do they act differently when they're out and about with friends? Or do they not get out much and spend all their time on the computer?


I question a lot of the dudes on here too, who just agree with everything these women say.

Some are probably fooling around for shlts and giggles but some are probably fairly desperate.

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