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Over-reacting or are these all signs?

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In a relationship with a man who lives an hour away. Last night I was with him, and he was looking at his pictures and adjusted it so I couldn't see after he realized I was looking. Saw a picture of him and this other girl together (a close face selfie smiling). I asked him about it and he said it was a friend from work. I said that it was weird how they have a picture together like that and he got mad and said I was being ****ed. I've just been thinking it's weird how all of a sudden hes been weird this week for work, and barely texting me on the way back when he normally does. He just calls me when he's home. He had a night where he stopped texting me throughout the day in the morning when he usually talks to me and never did for the whole day/night. (his phone was off). He then called me in the morning and said he was at his boss' going over paper work. Thought that was weird since he never lets his phone die. Friday night, he went out with the guys. Called me before and said to call him after work Saturday since i was supposed to go down by 8. Call him, phone off until 8 and he asks me if i'm on my way. (was supposed to be there at 8 like i said). Am I just overreacting? It's just a weird coincidence. Left his place today at 4, texted him and no replies, and he's been snapchatting (social media). Help!

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I definitely think your intuition is telling you something is off, and something is clearly off, just as it was when you posted your last thread.


My answer is the same as before...it takes 3 seconds to text. He's not even giving you that in response to your messages. Not to mention you know undeniably that he is on line/using other apps.


He's ignoring you.


Combine that with his awkward behavior when you saw his selfie with another woman, I'd say his energy is being focused elsewhere.

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I definitely think your intuition is telling you something is off, and something is clearly off, just as it was when you posted your last thread.


My answer is the same as before...it takes 3 seconds to text. He's not even giving you that in response to your messages. Not to mention you know undeniably that he is on line/using other apps.


He's ignoring you.


Combine that with his awkward behavior when you saw his selfie with another woman, I'd say his energy is being focused elsewhere.


Asked him about it on the phone tonight, since I couldn't sleep.

He goes on and on saying he wouldn't cheat on me, and all that stuff, and says he was just being friendly since she was new to the job. Just a part of me doesn't believe it.... that something still odd about that. I then asked what her name was just out of curiosity. He then had to say "Whats her name?" before saying the name Kayla. Which makes it seem like he had to say that to think of a made up name.

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In a relationship with a man who lives an hour away. Last night I was with him, and he was looking at his pictures and adjusted it so I couldn't see after he realized I was looking. Saw a picture of him and this other girl together (a close face selfie smiling). I asked him about it and he said it was a friend from work. I said that it was weird how they have a picture together like that and he got mad and said I was being ****ed.


I've just been thinking it's weird how all of a sudden hes been weird this week for work, and barely texting me on the way back when he normally does. He just calls me when he's home. He had a night where he stopped texting me throughout the day in the morning when he usually talks to me and never did for the whole day/night. (his phone was off). He then called me in the morning and said he was at his boss' going over paper work.


Thought that was weird since he never lets his phone die. Friday night, he went out with the guys. Called me before and said to call him after work Saturday since i was supposed to go down by 8. Call him, phone off until 8 and he asks me if i'm on my way. (was supposed to be there at 8 like i said). Am I just overreacting? It's just a weird coincidence. Left his place today at 4, texted him and no replies, and he's been snapchatting.


So I called him tonight, Asked him about it on the phone tonight, since I couldn't sleep. He goes on and on saying he wouldn't cheat on me, and all that stuff, saying that I'm overthinking, and says he was just being friendly since she was new to the job. Just a part of me doesn't believe it.... that something still odd about that. I then asked what her name was just out of curiosity. He then had to say "Whats her name?" before saying the name Kayla. Which makes it seem like he had to say that to think of a made up name.

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Any guy that's made effort to have a picture of himself and another gal together displayed at his place - is most likely very involved with her.



His phones been off because he was with someone else.

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Any guy that's made effort to have a picture of himself and another gal together displayed at his place - is most likely very involved with her.



His phones been off because he was with someone else.

No no, his cell phone pictures.

He said that she took his phone and took a picture? Just seems odd.

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First of all, an hour away is not LD.


Secondly, you could go where he works, without telling him, like a surprise visit. If the girl you saw doesn't work there, you'll have your answer. If she does work there, she will know he's dating YOU.


Thirdly, do not put up with any sh--ty behavior from him. If he starts that again, ignore him and get busy with your own life. He needs to pursue you, right? If it's less than that, let him get another girl. You'd only be let down.

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He needs to pursue you, right? If it's less than that, let him get another girl. You'd only be let down.


Why does he need to pursue her? That isn't how a relationship works in the first place and he obviously has other options. Regardless the fact that she doesn't trust him and they are both immature means this relationship is dead.

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It seems odd because it is odd. Keep your eyes & ears open. Guard your heart because this man has not currently earned your trust.


If it was innocent, he would have handed over the phone & babbled on about how the selfie with Kayla came into being.


Is there any possibility you can meet him for lunch or pick him up at work for happy hour so his co-workers can see you together?

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If it was innocent he would have continued with "That's xxxx, we used to do so much together like xxxx" and then tell you some college stories or prank-gone-sour stories or some other funny stuff. Dump him.

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It seems odd because it is odd. Keep your eyes & ears open. Guard your heart because this man has not currently earned your trust.


If it was innocent, he would have handed over the phone & babbled on about how the selfie with Kayla came into being.


Is there any possibility you can meet him for lunch or pick him up at work for happy hour so his co-workers can see you together?


He posts pictures of me always on his instagram.

As well as he posted snapchats of us together on a date for every one of his contacts on snapchat could see, as well as all of his coworkers that are on it.

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Merged two threads with similar content. There may be some duplication.

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I know you are feeling desperate, sorry but the writing is on the wall. When the behavior changes like being secretive, hides photos, doesn't answer his phone, shuts off his phone, accuses you bluntly of being paranoid, working odd hours, absent at peculiar times, it's because his focus is somewhere else with someone else. He's just putting up a smoke screen (pics on snap chat of you two) to distract you.


If it doesn't feel right, that's because it's not.....dump him.

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Is this even remotely possible in his position? I doubt it. It sounds like you are dating a liar.


I wouldn't waste another second on this guy.

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