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Please what do i do? love hurts

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Hi everyone


Ive just broken up with what i'd and many other girls would call a "perfect guy". Your proberly wondering why well Im 19 years old and we had been dating for 2 years. The first 6 months are always the best times, it fun exciting and new, I really did and do believe I was in-love with him, so passionatley too. He did anything and everything for me, a real gentlemen and basically the sweetest guy around. After 2 years one day I saw my ex and we kissed(I still saw my ex occasioanlly over the 2 years as his mum married my uncle,dont worry related now by law not blood) the kiss did mean alot as I have always had that something there for him but from that kiss i knew I either didn't love my boyfriend or i wasn't ready for a serious relationship sp i broke it off. He is devistated but i just feel i need time for myself to grow and mature, but i do hope one day we will find each other again, i would love for him to be the one for me but i have to follow my feelings right now. The reality of him gone has hit me and iam hurting so much! why cant i just love him and be sure about him? even though i still have feelings for my ex i dont want to hurt him again either so i have decided to stay away from both. Iam soooo confused and would love to hear from someone.


Thank you all

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You need some time to date around and enjoy yourself. Don't get tied down to one person. Love is all about timing. Don't force it. When you feel you are ready for a long term, committed relationship that's when it will happen, not before. People who force this to happen get into trouble.


If your ex had been THE ONE for you, you would NOT have broken up with him. You would have had no curiosity about others.


Sure it hurts. The love you felt was real. But timing has just as much to do with it as love. You can show no greater love towards someone than moving on if the timing or circumstances aren't right.


You may fall in love a number of times more before you are ready to make a lifetime committment. Have fun, don't take all this so hard. It's love. It's supposed to be great.


The more we understand love, the better we can handle it. The big problem comes when we fall in love well before we've had the years of wisdom to understand it.


You are doing just fine. Get out and have some fun. Loosen up. No, it's not fun to hurt people but far better to leave them than to stay with them against your better judgement and feelings.

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