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How to end a friendship?

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I was reading another post be freebird on friendship and it made me think.


When you make friends..its kinda like dating..You have to see if you get along, if you have the same interests, You don't really know the person though until after sometime..


So what I was thinking was..what if you get really close and after sometime you realize you don't really like that person? How do you 'breakup' with them? Do you say hey I don't like you we can't be friends anymore? How does that work?

Just a thought?

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I stop talking to them. I stop responding to email. I never show up events they've invited me to. Eventually, they stop sending me email. They stop calling and they stop inviting. No drama - we each just disappear.

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Yup, cut all communication possible.


Now I'm wondering if this is why one of my friend hardly ever responds to my emails. :confused::laugh::bunny:

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Originally posted by tiki

Yup, cut all communication possible.


Now I'm wondering if this is why one of my friend hardly ever responds to my emails. :confused::laugh::bunny:


Yeah. I am doing this with Capt. Murdock now. I can't stand his assholish insecurity so no more otter time.


That way you don't have to have "the talk"

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Originally posted by EC

How do you 'breakup' with them? Do you say hey I don't like you we can't be friends anymore? How does that work?

Just a thought?

No EC, first you procure a significant other (i.e. b/f) and start hanging out more and more with him.

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I have always just lost touch with people over time...I have never needed to cut contact with a friend. I don't need to now..I just thought about it because of the other thread...


NSN whats so interesting?

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[color=darkred]The "Stop Calling Them", "Don't Respond to Emails" thing works.



In two situations, I felt bad in both because it was the kind of

friendship where, the other friend thought everything was cool and

thought we had a great friendship, but the truth was that I was just

tolerating the other guy, because I didn't have the heart to tell them

what I really thought of them. Which was, "Cool guy but totally

insecure and Insulting at times and Super opinionated and Egotistical."

But my kinda 'friend'.


I struggled with "The dude is going to hate me and think i'm a prick,

for just turning my back and not answering any emails/calls". But then

I also thought, "It's better than telling them the truth and Insulting them

and causing some sort of Argument".


In the end, it's a sort of cold thing to do, but it's for the best. NOW, even though

i'm super easy going and kind to most people I meet, I'm more cautious in Who

i welcome in as a Good Friend. I don't nee tons of friends, just to have friends.

I'd rather have good, Cool, Quality friends.[/color]

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Which was, "Cool guy but totally

insecure and Insulting at times and Super opinionated and Egotistical."

But my kinda 'friend'.


I meant, "NOT" my kinda 'friend'.

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