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haha true...i guess it matters just not as much as it used to.


ok done, removed from feed again. no more temptation.

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it's weird as well, as i said in my introduction i had a very intense feeling for this girl immediately upon meeting her. we made eye contact and it was like we both just knew. it was very new to me.


i'm talking to a new girl now but its like even after a year or more, i haven't had a feeling anywhere near that intense. its almost like i just lose interest and figure "well, she's not the one because I don't feel that pull like i did with x"


i don't know how to proceed!?

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What you "feel" when first laying eyes on a complete stranger is physical attraction.


This is a necessary component for love, but it's NOT love. It's just lust. You can feel an immediate physical attraction for many many many many women.


Then there's another layer of attraction, when you not only lust for the person physically but you also "like" them, their personality, the way that they are.


There's still so many many many women you can feel this level of attraction for!


Real love goes deeper than either of these.... that's emotional attraction and bonding and projection and all kinds of other stuff.


I'll be honest: this girl wasn't that into you. And it's very likely that if she continues to send you breadcrumbs.... and you continue to lap them up like a happy desperate puppy.... whatever interest has built up during this period of No Contact will soon diminish.


This girl isn't "The One".... she's most likely not even that special.... you just haven't met anyone you like better yet. In time, you will!



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well-stated my friend! and lots of truth to what you wrote. if she was that into me then she wouldn't have let me go. it's pretty simple, really. i'm done with breadcrumbs and im done with hanging on to any sort of hope.


i think from this day forward, I simply forget about what was and focus on what may be.


this is a pretty good lesson for others as well. the most attractive thing you can do is actually move on. not move on to get her back, but legitimately move on.


i know its hard but i wish i'd had this mentality, and done it, sooner.


cheers, i'll keep evrryone updated if anything changes but for now, I'm glad I didn't act too much on the breadcrumbs even though part of me wanted to. it's time to have faith in the universe, god, or whatever you want to call it: what will be, will be.



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well-stated my friend! and lots of truth to what you wrote. if she was that into me then she wouldn't have let me go. it's pretty simple, really. i'm done with breadcrumbs and im done with hanging on to any sort of hope.


i think from this day forward, I simply forget about what was and focus on what may be.


this is a pretty good lesson for others as well. the most attractive thing you can do is actually move on. not move on to get her back, but legitimately move on.


i know its hard but i wish i'd had this mentality, and done it, sooner.


cheers, i'll keep evrryone updated if anything changes but for now, I'm glad I didn't act too much on the breadcrumbs even though part of me wanted to. it's time to have faith in the universe, god, or whatever you want to call it: what will be, will be.




All this dilly-dallying could've and should've been avoided by being blunt and to the point the first time she contacted you.


As soon as she reached out you should've asked her out ... and whatever she responded would've been your cue.


That being said, it's probably died out now and she's given up ... but bear in mind, if she does again - BE BLUNT.

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All this dilly-dallying could've and should've been avoided by being blunt and to the point the first time she contacted you.


As soon as she reached out you should've asked her out ... and whatever she responded would've been your cue.


That being said, it's probably died out now and she's given up ... but bear in mind, if she does again - BE BLUNT.


Yeah. thought about that too. thought "she made contact now is the time to act" then I thought it was probably nothing, or at best a breadcrumb. plus I felt like I wasn't ready anyways and want to be over her emotionally. didn't know if I could trust myself yet. I think you have to be emotionally free to have any chance at reconciliation.



So we will see how the future goes. Got a bunch of stuff planned this month so I'm just going to have fun and keep letting go. If anything else happens and I feel ready, I will act on it from a place of indifference.

Edited by forumman83
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