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What makes a man creepy?

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These are really, really creepy things. Wow. The yoga mat thing gave me the creeps just reading it.


I'm thinking guys might get a better idea of what creepy is if all the women here posted examples of creepy behavior they have encountered, like darkbloom just did.


I mean wow... I'm grossed out by these behaviors just reading her post.


No matter what these guys look like,people would be offended by their behavior.


Even if the yoga mat or Chipotle ones were women acting like that toward me, I'd be jyst a little freaked out. I'd laugh it off, but very invasive.


Complete lies and untrue. I would put my mortgage comfortably that any of these situations happened with a guy you found attractive it would be different.

You dont like people invading your personal space? Thats a lie cos how else does a guy approach a girl?


Look you women dont know what you want thats a fact.

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-chipolte cashier pushing a pen and piece of receipt paper around the counter for me to write my name and number when all I want to do is pay for my burrito and extra guac in peace.



I guess I meet a lot of creeps.


Had you just paid with a debit or credit card? Because, you know, they ask you to sign a slip when you do that sometimes.



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According to Radiohead this is a creep




When you were here before

Couldn't look you in the eye

You're just like an angel

Your skin makes me cry

You float like a feather

In a beautiful world

I wish I was special

You're so f***ing special


But I'm a creep

I'm a weirdo

What the hell am I doing here?

I don't belong here


I don't care if it hurts

I wanna have control

I want a perfect body

I want a perfect soul

I want you to notice

When I'm not around

You're so f***ing special

I wish I was special


But I'm a creep

I'm a weirdo

What the hell am I doing here?

I don't belong here


She's running out the door

She's running out

She run run run run...



Whatever makes you happy

Whatever you want

You're so f***ing special

I wish I was special


But I'm a creep

I'm a weirdo

What the hell am I doing here?

I don't belong here

I don't belong here


Love this song!

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You dont like people invading your personal space? Thats a lie cos how else does a guy approach a girl?


That's the rub isn't it? How does a man approach a woman without her thinking he is creepy? There is no way. Just approach women until you find one who does not think you are creepy.


My favorite part is once you do that, and you have a woman spending time with you, suddenly those women that thought you were a creep or whatever are all up in your face.



Things like this are the reason why a word that used to mean happy and carefree now means a man who does not have any romantic interest whatsoever in women.

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Complete lies and untrue. I would put my mortgage comfortably that any of these situations happened with a guy you found attractive it would be different. .


If it was a guy she found attractive:

"there is this hot guy in my yoga class .. he seems to like me, because he always puts his mat next to mine. He hasn't approached me yet, so maybe he is a bit shy. that's so cute. Should I ask him out or wait a bit longer for him to make a move?"

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Creepy to me is:


A stranger coming within inches of me.


The guy who rubbed against me in a crowd last weekend, while grabbing my hips.


Touching my breasts, butt, or face without explicit permission.


Staring/leering. Checking out is nice but be discreet.


Sexual comments right off the bat. Had a hot guy ask me for a blowjob at a party once. Total letdown.

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Personal space isn't 'within sight' or a magical forcefield that exends outward 100 feet in every direction. There's actually a social science behind the concept that generally defines it as 4-5 feet outward or something like that. I'm pretty sure the women who invoke the personal space rule are talking about people who go inside that 4-5 feet, which is indeed intrusive no matter how you slice it. Brad Pitt could come and stand one foot away from you and your initial reaction would be "wtf?"


We have basic security concerns that many men simply can't identify with.

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Nevermind. Don't want to read about how I must be lying when I feared for my safety.

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Rejected Rosebud
Complete lies and untrue. I would put my mortgage comfortably that any of these situations happened with a guy you found attractive it would be different.
If he did cREEPY things I wouldn't find him attractive no matter if he was handsome or not, and please stop telling us we are LYING when we are actually sharing our feelings and thoughts honestly here. Or don't read it if you think everything that any woman says is a lie unless it confirms your bias about us!!! :mad:
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Complete lies and untrue. I would put my mortgage comfortably that any of these situations happened with a guy you found attractive it would be different.

You dont like people invading your personal space? Thats a lie cos how else does a guy approach a girl?


Look you women dont know what you want thats a fact.


The yoga mat guy was actually kind of handsome. But he's staring at me through the mirror for an hour and a half 4x a week. Hasnt said a single word to me. That's creepy AF.


LinkedIn is NOT an appropriate platform to ask for a date or to comment on my looks. It is not a dating site and it creepy to try to pick up women through a professional site.


Chipolte guy asked if I was single. I nodded and that's when he slipped the piece of paper over to me and asked me to write down my number. I gave him a fake name and number.


There are apropriate places to approach women. You also need to read her body language though. I'm assuming you might be creepy if you're betting your mortgage on things you've never experienced.

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This thread is rendering me speechless with the lack of even just a little empathy from some of the guys in here.


Personal safety is something we all need to be more aware of and considering women are physically less strong than men are just for starters I don't understand how men wouldn't understand it let alone not even believe when people recount experiences? Really?



If ordinary Joes can't understand it then it really gives cause for concern and actually it's no wonder some women do call any man that approaches creepy.


It also makes you wonder why Transport for London has set up a text alert service considering we're all lying.

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Complete lies and untrue. I would put my mortgage comfortably that any of these situations happened with a guy you found attractive it would be different.

You dont like people invading your personal space? Thats a lie cos how else does a guy approach a girl?


Look you women dont know what you want thats a fact.


The love shack gender wars take on a whole new level!


I have an avatar and this guy still calls me a chick. :lmao:

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Shining One

I can empathize with the safety concern issue. I totally get the need to remove yourself from an uncomfortable situation, even if the danger is only perceived and not real. What I don't get is the need to advertise and shame these men. After all, if women did not advertise, men would not know about the word creep.

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Women 1,000,000: guys 3.


These were very accurate explanations of what it means to be a creep.


Guys: There is subtlety and a back and forth interaction involved in gauging if a woman will be interested.


From reading the accounts of creepy behavior, it seems that when guys just plow thier way through without sensing what the woman is feeling, or just stare in a weird way saying nothing, that's what sets off their creep radar.


To get in under the radar, make the interaction a 2 way street.

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That's the rub isn't it? How does a man approach a woman without her thinking he is creepy?.


This is simple: make eye contact. Smile.


If she returns the eye contact and smile, approach. If she doesn't, she's sending a message with body language and an approach is ignoring her signs.


Better yet, meet women in dynamic, social settings where someone will introduce you!

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Shining One
Chipolte guy asked if I was single. I nodded and that's when he slipped the piece of paper over to me and asked me to write down my number. I gave him a fake name and number.
The adult thing to do in this situation is to say "thank you, but I'm not interested".



When I was 17 and working at Walgreens, I got a date with a girl using this approach. What exactly did he do that was creepy?

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To get in under the radar, make the interaction a 2 way street.


It's that simple.


If she's refusing to make it easy, and you keep trying to push it, it's creepy.

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I think to avoid the creep radar, you just need to be friendly and casual. Of course, someone who comes at you real strongly and then doesn't take no for an answer and just go away, is an obvious problem. But it's the ones who quietly watch you or try to circle you and maybe hang around under false pretenses who are more common. It's not a red flag if a guy like the first type I mentioned approaches you and comes at you full throttle and it can even be flattering, but once you tell them no, then it's a no-brainer that if they don't respect that you have a problem on your hands. But it's way past the red-flag stage by that time. It's not signaling a problem -- it has already become a problem.

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Women 1,000,000: guys 3.


These were very accurate explanations of what it means to be a creep.


Guys: There is subtlety and a back and forth interaction involved in gauging if a woman will be interested.


From reading the accounts of creepy behavior, it seems that when guys just plow thier way through without sensing what the woman is feeling, or just stare in a weird way saying nothing, that's what sets off their creep radar.


To get in under the radar, make the interaction a 2 way street.


!00% spot on!

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This thread is rendering me speechless with the lack of even just a little empathy from some of the guys in here.


Personal safety is something we all need to be more aware of and considering women are physically less strong than men are just for starters I don't understand how men wouldn't understand it let alone not even believe when people recount experiences? Really?



If ordinary Joes can't understand it then it really gives cause for concern and actually it's no wonder some women do call any man that approaches creepy.


It also makes you wonder why Transport for London has set up a text alert service considering we're all lying.

Well when you have the pleasure of being treated like a monster for no good reason then maybe you'll have more empathy as well.

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I can empathize with the safety concern issue. I totally get the need to remove yourself from an uncomfortable situation, even if the danger is only perceived and not real. What I don't get is the need to advertise and shame these men. After all, if women did not advertise, men would not know about the word creep.


I've never called a man a creep to his face. I don't poke the bear, so to speak. If I feel uncomfortable and alarmed, I want to extricate myself from the situation without provoking the situation.


But I talk to others in my life about these experiences, so guys would still hear about it. And sometimes we enlist some help (or an escort) when we are concerned about a "creep". When needed, men have always stepped up to help me fend off a creep, and have never judged me for my reaction.

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Shining One
Guys: There is subtlety and a back and forth interaction involved in gauging if a woman will be interested.


From reading the accounts of creepy behavior, it seems that when guys just plow thier way through without sensing what the woman is feeling, or just stare in a weird way saying nothing, that's what sets off their creep radar.


To get in under the radar, make the interaction a 2 way street.

This is very good advice for men who are being labeled as creeps when approaching women. What do you suggest for men who aren't even approaching these women but are still being labeled as creeps?
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Shining One
But I talk to others in my life about these experiences, so guys would still hear about it. And sometimes we enlist some help (or an escort) when we are concerned about a "creep". When needed, men have always stepped up to help me fend off a creep, and have never judged me for my reaction.
I understand the need to enlist help. Heck, I've been that help quite a few times. Why the need to brand the man as a creep with your friends though? For the purposes of this question, consider the man as an innocuous creep (didn't invade personal space, didn't approach you, just looked "creepy" from a distance).
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Well when you have the pleasure of being treated like a monster for no good reason then maybe you'll have more empathy as well.


So tell us about it!

Did you get arrested or attacked?

Being treated like a 'monster' as you said there is pretty drastic! It's very dramatic wording.

And yes of course I would have empathy for that if you had done nothing.


What happened exactly?

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